Top Five

Two skeptic blogs in the top five on WordPress today. WUWT is always in the top five.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Top Five

  1. GregO says:

    Excellent! These are the best blogs on the web – they are my first two in my bookmarks.

    Great job Steven – keep up the pressure and the great posts. I thoroughly enjoy everyday on your blog.

  2. Squidly says:

    And today has been especially fun … I have never seen a weather event turn so political in my life. I am still trying to wrestle the concept, but all the commenters running over from Drudge have provided quite an insight for me. I’m still trying to digest how one gets from wind speeds to politics. I guess I am just not seeing the 3 degrees of separation here. …lol

    Keep up the great work Steve! … there is no defense for facts!

  3. suyts says:

    Outstanding! You’re doing something right! Keep it up!

  4. Rick K says:

    Steve, keep doing what you’re doing!

  5. Margaret Berger says:

    Congrats! Love the science and politics, spiced with humor.

  6. Bruce says:

    Oof, knocking off Anthony is like Nelson knocking off Wellington (sorry, overly anglocentric, but you get my old convict’s drift).

    Congrats, sir. Impressive.

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