Top UN Scientist : CO2 Affecting The Earth’s Crust

Given that human actions are increasingly interfering with the delicate balance of nature, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis will occur more frequently, said Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, director general of TERI, and the chief of the inter-governmental panel on Climate Change.

There were three earthquakes today in Virginia, ranging in depth from 1.0-7.8 km. CO2 is apparently permeating very deep into the earth’s crust and causing all kinds of psychotic disruption in the minds of the AGW faithful.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Top UN Scientist : CO2 Affecting The Earth’s Crust

  1. Jimash says:

    “Given that human actions are increasingly interfering with the delicate balance of nature, natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and tsunamis will occur more frequently, said Dr Rajendra K Pachauri, director general of TERI, and the chief of the inter-governmental panel on Climate Change.”

    Maharishi Pachauri speaks !

  2. Squidly says:

    Clear evidence that this guy smokes some pretty good sh!t ….

  3. Obviously, based on his photograph, I would trust this guy with my life. It is a fact that no earthquakes or tsunamis were ever experienced before humans started populating the Earth, so it makes sense that they are responsible.

  4. Me says:

    I guess this caveman can’t do it. 😆

  5. Sundance says:

    Kevin Drum over at Mother Jones wrote, “A rise of 2°C over the next century is now a certainty”. It is amazing that a liberal journalist with no scientific background claims certainty in a prediction 100 years into the future, and then jumps all over Republicans for being anti-science.

  6. Sundance says:

    Wait a minute, this guy has no degree in climate science and he is a porn writer.

  7. hpjunior says:

    Maybe we need to rethink Al Gore’s science. It really might be “millions of degrees” a couple of kilometers down, given how much CO2 our consumerist society emits.

    And still we refuse to bend over for, I meant submit to being regulated for our own good.

  8. Justa Joe says:

    Is this one of the “scientists” that Huntsman believes?

  9. Gator says:

    The fact that none of his peers attempts to correct such an obviously ignorant statement is very telling, and serves them as well as those who defend the hockey stick graph.

  10. SBVOR says:

    I wonder if the lame stream media will EVER notice that their favorite UN “scientist” has NO formal education in ANY branch of science:

  11. Just anudder Joe watchin' da show says:

    This guy is a scientist??????? Oh, my bad, the U.N. deemed him a scientist for his dog and phony show.

  12. Michigan says:

    He should do his part by holding his breath.

  13. higley7 says:

    Don’t volcanoes emit loads of CO2, something like up to 300,000 tons per day? In other words CO2 comes form the crust, so how is a tiny added amount going to affect the crust.

    Pachauri is probably smoking something that is not legal here.
    I love the description describing nature as delicate. It is totally the opposite!

  14. higley7 says:

    Form the SCHOOL OF MAKING S*** UP.

  15. Iluvco2 says:

    of course one of their solutions is to pump CO2 from power plants into the crust

  16. ReCon USMC says:

    Dr Rajendra K Pachauri Reeks of Baghdad Bob Saddam’s Propaganda minister .
    The man will Lie knowing you know he is lying .
    Last week we learned that the polar bears were not dying off .
    I’m beginning to believe the Sun and Sun Spots plays 97.4 % of the temps on Earth . Duh .

  17. Doug Proctor says:

    Pachy says: “Unless we live in harmony with nature …. and until we change our life styles, the world will increasingly become unfit for human habitation”

    These points-within-points are what count in the IPCC/CAGW/Gore climate change meme. Only a very low physical presence on the planet – including but not limited to the minimal use of fossil fuels – will destroy the biosphere. A pastoral, village existence of low energy, low consumption is the only way for the human population to survive on this world. Back To the Future 1820.

    Except for the leaders, of course. Which need all the governmental, technological and military power available to create and maintain such a world, as we, the masses, are selfish, malign beings easily corrupted by our vices and those of others. The “others” not including the leaders, of course.

  18. Colin Henderson says:

    I thought that dialling up CO2 caused climate change resulting in bad weather, while dialling down CO2 produced climate stability and good weather for all. Imagine my surprise to also learn that dialling up CO2 causes plate tectonics!

  19. P Weggeman says:

    Pure Josef Goebbels, “authorities” tell the same big lie over and over and over ad nauseum!

  20. Robert Austin says:

    I can imagine that seconds after the photo of Pachauri was taken, Pachauri inserts his left index finger through the circle formed by his right thumb and index finger to demonstrate what the IPCC is doing to the public.

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