Washington Logic

Obama believes that borrowing another $2.4 trillion improves confidence that we will be able to pay off the debt.

That is as clever as being trapped in a well and trying to dig your way out through China. Strong evidence that cocaine does irreversible damage.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Washington Logic

  1. Independent says:

    Next they’ll tell us more regulation means more jobs! Err…wait..

    “Regulated firms hire workers to operate and maintain pollution controls. Once the equipment is installed, regulated firms hire workers to operate and maintain the pollution control equipment.”


  2. Tony Duncan says:

    I think you might be right about the cocaine.
    here the Sharia Socialist in Chief is protecting Bush admin officials.

    My favorite line (though i assume it is a misprint). “The Justice Department also claimed allowing the lawsuit might affect the decisions of future US officials who might have to decide whether or not to torture a US citizen for no reason.”

    • > whois antiwar.com

      Randolph Bourne Institute
      1612 45th Ave
      San Francisco, California 94122
      United States

      Nice. His writing style reminds me of a certain fellow here:

      • Tony Duncan says:


        so this guyRandolph uses all these psuedonyms, to make it look like lots of people write for his site.
        Well it is a very conservative rather libertarian leaning rag, so no point in reading any of the content.

      • Yup, a paranoid, xenophobic, anti-interventionist site to the left of Van Jones is definitely conservative libertarian. They probably don’t have more than about 60%-80% larouchies writing for them.

        Hey, Mr. “Tony Duncan”, who really brought down the twin towers?

    • suyts says:

      lol, I don’t think it was a misprint. Though I find it odd that they’re going after Rumsfeld. While he was an advocate of the enhanced interrogation techniques, his wasn’t the final say. Usually the interrogations would have been carried out by the CIA…… that wasn’t Rummie’s dept. That the National Intelligence agency, not the Defense dept.

      Further, this nation needs to define “torture”. Some of the techniques include, overly lit rooms, continuous loud music, and things of that nature. This isn’t like we were shoving bamboo chutes under his fingernails. The authors desensitize the public by their extreme claims so when an outrage such as this occurs, it doesn’t garner the sympathy and anger it should.

      Lastly, the U.S. govt, needs to settle this quietly. This was a U.S. citizen. There is no way our govt. can pretend they can treat its citizens anyway they choose during a time of conflict. We would have given up any pretenses of freedom or due process. Settle, settle quietly, to the satisfaction of the complainant, define torture, (don’t let some idiotic foreign panel or some moronic journalist) and pull their heads out of their ass.

      Obviously, and ultimately, this won’t go anywhere. One, Rummie wasn’t responsible, Bush was. Two, you can’t sue cabinet members because of policy. Regardless of the harm done. If this is allowed to continue, then we should sue Lisa Jackson for …. well, just being her. And the anti-job EPA and their usurpation of authority.

    • Tony Duncan says:


      I think a fair determination of torture is anything that would make Rush Limbaugh cry.
      I kind of like the UCMJ, although apparently that is actually a liberal socialist sharia law document in it’s standards of interrogation and detainment of prisoners. Real Americans like Rumsfeld can stand for more than 8 hours in a row, so why can’t Al Qaeda wimps be subjected to the treatment Rumsfeld put himself through almost every day!

  3. I don’t want to give the waterhead from Kenya any ideas, but if the FedGov just declares everyone an employee of the FedGov, doesn’t that make unemployment 0.0%? Imagine how happy we’ll be when we attach hoses from our rears to our mouths so we don’t waste any of our precious bodily fluids.

    Remember, a snake who eats his own tail never has an empty stomach.

  4. Sundance says:

    BHO is just continuing a long proud tradition of wreckless spending in DC. His success peaked as a community organizer and he has been a shining example of the Peter Principle since. To expect the comminity organizer to be able to control spending would be like expecting Tony D to be able to juggle a half dozen 2 ton elephants. 🙂

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    I didn’t know Obama wanted any debt paid off. I didn’t know he wanted America to be in better condition than when he came in. What he feels is a better America and what almost all others think is a better America is two different things. I will not labor under the illusion that Obama likes America.

  6. gator69 says:

    “Well it is a very conservative rather libertarian leaning rag, so no point in reading any of the content.”

    Yes, we know Mr Duncan hates liberty and conservation. Spend and chain, typical progressive.

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