We Were Warned …..

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to We Were Warned …..

  1. Look at this!!!


    “Ion-induced nucleation [cosmic ray action] will manifest itself as a steady production of new particles [molecular clusters] that is difficult to isolate in atmospheric observations because of other sources of variability but is nevertheless taking place and could be quite large when averaged globally over the troposphere [the lower atmosphere].”

    • I have submitted the following comment on the cern experiment at hockeyschtick:

      I am afraid that it doesn’t matter that cosmic rays encourage cloud formation. What matters is that clouds do not affect the overall energy distribution (the hydrostatic temperature lapse rate structure in the troposphere), hence the temperature at any given pressure, in the atmosphere:

      Venus: No Greenhouse Effect

      Simply put, despite the planet-wide thick cloud cover on Venus, despite its much greater albedo than Earth’s, the temperature-vs-pressure curves of Venus and Earth, when their different distances from the Sun are taken into account, are essentially the same. Only the distance from the Sun, nothing else, accounts for the detailed temperatures in the two planets’ atmospheres. The physical reasons for this are given in my analysis at the above site. As I have been trying to tell even the skeptics, the Venus/Earth comparison, properly done for the first time, trumps all of climate theory (consensus or skeptic), and demolishes it. This overwhelming and definitive evidence of two detailed planetary atmospheres is the necessary starting point now for the correction of, and real progress in, climate science. Everyone on every side of the climate debates needs to learn and understand this critical point.

  2. A K Haart says:

    …and here’s one we prepared earlier.

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