You Are Not Rowing And It Is Not The North Pole

The crew has made the magnificent achievement of rowing 500 miles through Arctic waters. It is normal for Arctic pack ice to retreat each summer. What has become most striking in recent years is the accelerated rate of summer sea ice loss which has made this adventure possible.

What a complete load of crap. The magnetic pole is at 81N. In 1922, people sailed to 81N in ice-free water.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to You Are Not Rowing And It Is Not The North Pole

  1. Latitude says:

    Knowing human nature, they probably hyped it in 1922 also….

  2. Juergen says:

    Please zoom in on
    It looks like an “S” – maybe they get a “H”, “I” and “T”, too.

    Or they have lost their way in the white icy landscape.

  3. glacierman says:

    1922 – Arctic Ocean becoming too warm for seals. Ice bergs getting scarce. Well known glaciers completely disappeared.,376085&dq=arctic+warming&hl=en

  4. glacierman says:

    1926 – US Weather Bureau worried about radical changes in the climatic conditions in the Arctic, including unheard of high temperatures. Never before has so little ice been observed.,6789241&dq=ice+free+arctic&hl=en

  5. suyts says:

    lol, they sledded to 81°N woohoo!!

  6. Scott says:

    Looks like they put the boat into the only surface melt pond in site to pose for the picture.


  7. glacierman says:

    Well, the sponsors of this little boondoggle accomplished two things:

    1) I did not know about Old Pulteney Whiskey was before this publicity stunt, and

    2) I will never buy Old Pulteney Whiskey wherever/whenever I see it.

  8. Juergen says:

    What do do people like with their Whiskey? Ice! There is plenty of it.

  9. Sundance says:

    When failure is cause for celebration raise a glass of old Old Pulldacanoe, and toast “Down the hatch boys”.

    Well that’s how I would market the whiskey.

  10. Andy Weiss says:

    That is a total farce, preying on human stupidity and ignorance.

  11. John Silver says:

    Bah, that’s nothing, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong flew to the Moon to advertize moonshine.

  12. Gator says:

    This reminds me of when I was in college and my car ran out of gas. My buddies and I had to row my car to the gas station.

  13. AndyW says:

    As a gin drinker and rum drinker but mainly a brandy drinker I must say these whisky drinkers have given me a laugh. I’ll stick with the French and their favourite tipple thanks.


  14. Blade says:

    Nice one Steve.

    I mentioned your find on a post on the WUWT thread.

  15. Lazarus says:

    They went to the North Pole at 90degree N. Your link mentions nothing about the North Pole nor the Magnetic North Pole.

  16. Lazarus says:

    “Weird attempt at a straw man”

    Are you talking about your own efforts? NO ONE sailed to the Magnetic North Pole in 1922. Isn’t that what your post alludes to?

  17. Lazarus says:

    “The magnetic pole moves all the time. It is a meaningless concept.”

    It has been moving north since records began. But don’t let inconvenient facts get in the way of your weird attempt at a straw man.

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