Hansen Says We Can Avoid 1945 Conditions By Going Back To 1945 Conditions

Hansen says that we must lower CO2 in order to prevent the climatic conditions which we had when CO2 was lower.

If this isn’t clear, report for your lobotomy at Hansen’s drowned Manhattan office.

14 Feb 1945 – Britain Worried Over Australia’s Record Drought

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Hansen Says We Can Avoid 1945 Conditions By Going Back To 1945 Conditions

  1. Rosco says:

    You mean we had droughts before?

    You mean Flannery and climatologists lied?

    I always thought Dorothea Mackellar (1885 – 1968) must have been mistaken when she penned “My Country” because climate scientists tell us everything was simply peachy keen before CO2.
    So Dorothea was simply misguided when she wrote

    “I love a sunburnt country,
    A land of sweeping plains,
    Of ragged mountain ranges,
    Of droughts and flooding rains.
    I love her far horizons,
    I love her jewel-sea,
    Her beauty and her terror –
    The wide brown land for me!”

    How long before the Orwellian “truth re-writers” ban this poem from Australian folklore ??

  2. How’s about this for a piece of Hansen “logic” which I blogged on last month?

    The team studied core samples taken from the bottom of the ocean, which allow C02 levels to be tracked millions of years ago. They show that when the world began to glaciate at the start of the Ice age about 35m years ago, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere stood at about 450ppm.

    “If you leave us at 450ppm for long enough it will probably melt all the ice – that’s a sea rise of 75 metres. What we have found is that the target we have all been aiming for is a disaster – a guaranteed disaster,” Hansen told the Guardian.

    That’s right – we went into an ice-age with CO2 at 450ppm, and “75-metre” Hansen wants to ensure that CO2 never reaches that level. Only the Grauniad could publish an interview with “350ppm” Hansen without asking the bleedin’ obvious question. They also correct misinfo about where the paper could be obtained, without actually giving a direct link to it. Anyone would think they didn’t want anyone to read it, or am I displaying typical “denier” cynicism?

    Climate target is not radical enough – study
    Nasa scientist warns the world must urgently make huge CO2 reductions


    and the paper “Target atmospheric CO2: Where should humanity aim?” is here

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