1934 : Record Drought And Hurricanes In The US

Joe Romm would demand immediate world communism if this happened today.

Every river between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains has reached its lowest point in the 75 years of official recording

A hurricane in the gulf of Mexico that swept the Texas coast yesterday caused eight known deaths. Probably 20 others were drowned, but have not yet been accounted for. Many towns were destroyed.

02 Aug 1934 – AMERICAN DROUGHT. Human Death Roll Reaches 1,350.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to 1934 : Record Drought And Hurricanes In The US

  1. Joe Romm would demand immediate world communism if this happened today.


  2. darryl b says:

    When boating on Lura Lake in sourthern Minnesota, everyone must be carefull to avoid fenceposts in water five feet deep. The fenceposts remain from areas that were farmed in the 1930’s

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