McKibben : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next Year

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to McKibben : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next Year

  1. Scott says:

    Do note that he said “no ice” and not “ice free”. CAGW believers have claimed that “ice free” means ~10^6 km^2 of ice, but as far as I’m concerned “no ice” means 0 and almost has to be definition.


  2. 40% decrease? I checked NORSEX ice extent data and did a quick calculation comparing summer min with winter max and did get a low point of 40% of the total extent. I think the part they forgot to mention was that it’s probably been dropping every summer by 40% (give or take a few %) and then back up to 100% in winter, since, oh I don’t know, the last interglacial? An honestly introduced confusion, I’m sure.

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