Monthly Archives: May 2012

Heartland’s Mistake

The error that I see in Heartland’s billboard was a matter of quantity. Many terrorists are indeed global warming alarmists, and many global warming alarmists believe that terrorism is an appropriate response to use on (other) people who generate CO2. That … Continue reading

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Can Berbatov Score Eight Goals In The Next Twelve Minutes?

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Serreze 2010 : Arctic Is “not going to recover”

By Joe Romm on Sep 22, 2010 at 6:26 pm Serreze: “I stand by my previous statements that the Arctic summer sea ice cover is in a death spiral. It’s not going to recover.”

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What Biden Does And Doesn’t Know

Joe Biden knows for sure that not-yet-president Roosevelt appeared on the not-yet-existent television in 1929 – to talk to the American people about the stock market crash. He is not sure though whether Romney would have chosen to let Osama get away, like Bill Clinton did. Vice President Biden said … Continue reading

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A Not So Beautiful Mind

Princeton mathematician John Nash suffered from schizophrenia, and constantly imagined that he saw non-existent patterns. He also did some very good mathematical and cryptographic work. I have been exchanging E-mails with a famous climate alarmist who also imagines that he sees non-existent patterns in … Continue reading

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Time For A Hockey Team Huddle

The team is confused. Half of the team is calling for a huge increase in world poverty – to stop global warming, while the other half says that we must stop global warming from hurting the poor. Meanwhile, The Guardian … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments Shock News : Poor Countries To Change Even Faster Than Maine

There will be changes. Maine will just be different, he said. “What we shouldn’t do is give up,” he added. Reduction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can mean a lower growth of climate change. For Barton, it’s now a … Continue reading

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Carter/Clinton/Gore/UN Advisor Says That Global Warming Is Caused By A Lack Of Poverty

How Global Warming and Capitalism Are Deeply Intertwined It is no accident that environmental crisis is gathering as social injustice is deepening and growing inequality is impairing democratic institutions. June 14, 2010 In 1970 James Gustave Speth co-founded the Natural … Continue reading

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Climate Expert Calls For Tyranny, Depression And Mass Murder

Pentti Linkola: Ideas Pentti Linkola writes about the apocalyptic climactic changes that will soon effect us here in humanityland, but he doesn’t take the easy way out that most authors do. Instead, he chooses to be brutally honest and suggests … Continue reading

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Obama’s New Campaign Theme : “Michelle Likes Our House And Doesn’t Want To Move”

Obama’s opening salvo: Hope, change and fear Barack Obama once wanted to “Win the Future.” Now he’s just hoping to get there. the force of the president’s new argument is not so much that Americans could achieve greatness but that … Continue reading

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