Monthly Archives: May 2012

Global Warming Supporters Say That They Are Not Like Terrorists

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Actually, Plants Aren’t Interested In Your Neuroses

Global Warming’s Impact On Plants Greater Than Predicted For over two decades, researchers have been conducting experiments that are designed to mimic the effects of rising temperatures on the rates at which plants first begin to leaf and flower each … Continue reading

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Paging Suzuki

Two years ago, Suzuki told us that poor skiing conditions in British Columbia were your fault for driving a car. British Columbia had their best ski season on record this year. Suzuki has been curiously silent about this.

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What Happens When Morons Start Talking About Science

If a glacial front is rapidly retreating, that proves man made global warming. If a glacier front is rapidly pushing forward, that also proves man made global warming. No matter what a glacier does, it is caused by man made global … Continue reading

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Global Warming Report Card – May 2012

Over the last few weeks we have learned some frightening facts Polar Bear populations are higher than previously thought, and likely the highest on record Penguin populations are double what was previously thought Global sea ice area is fifth highest … Continue reading

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Global Warming Hitting Norway Hard

Below freezing temperatures across Norway this week. 10-Day Temperature Outlook

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Rough Summer Ahead For Global Warming Alarmists

sst_anom.gif (800×600) A lot of cold water on both sides of the Arctic, around western Europe, the Atlantic hurricane basin, and the Gulf of Mexico. Jeff Masters recently wrote that Gulf of Mexico SSTs are the highest on record. This will slow … Continue reading

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Crops Hate This

Plants need warmth, water and CO2 to grow. The increase in all three is what caused us all to starve to death in the 1970s, per Stanford’s Paul Ehrlich. CONTIGUOUS UNITED STATES Climate Summary

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1934 : Record Drought And Hurricanes In The US

Joe Romm would demand immediate world communism if this happened today. Every river between the Rockies and the Appalachian Mountains has reached its lowest point in the 75 years of official recording A hurricane in the gulf of Mexico that swept the Texas coast yesterday caused eight … Continue reading

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Alaska Surfing Report

Barrow Sea Ice Webcam

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