Scottish Children Won’t Know What Bare Ground Is

Webcams from ski resorts in Great Britain

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Scottish Children Won’t Know What Bare Ground Is

  1. Paul in Sweden says:

    …and in England:
    “Ten days ago drought status was lifted in 19 areas of south-west England, the Midlands and parts of Yorkshire following persistent rainfall last month – the wettest April on record.”

    So the solution is to:

    Redefine concept of drought, Environment Agency urges – BBC News

    • tckev says:

      3 days of sun and it will be in drought again. Why?
      Nothing to do with climate and everything to do with the rules imposed by the UK government when the water authority was sold to private regional water companies.
      Basically the companies are not allowed to sell wholesale between regions and government rules limited capital investment by any water company. Water companies are not allowed to lend capital, cash, equipment, or real property to other water companies. This was imposed to stop one rich water company out-competing all others and gaining overall control of water in the UK.

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