Daily Archives: June 9, 2012

How Long Does It Take For A 97% Consensus Of Scientists To Stop Being Morons?

In the case of continental drift, it took almost 70 years to accept the evidence, and allow the science to proceed.

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1934 : German Scientist Sees Humans As 10 Foot Tall Bald Creatures


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1953 : Polar Bears To Invade Washington

16 Aug 1953 – FEATURES This Is What Science

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1931 : Eminent Physicist – Ice Age Will Kill Us All

Traralgon Record Thursday 5 February 1931 05 Feb 1931 – FREEZING OUT MANKIND. The End of the World.

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Which Ice Sheet Will Melt Down First?

It is summer in Greenland, and temperatures were up to a blistering 7F (-14C) on the ice sheet this afternoon. Meanwhile, Antarctica is experiencing the joys of winter at -110F. Huffington Post expects that sea level will rise 200 feet … Continue reading

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North Carolina Group – Fighting Their Way Through A Mob Of Morons

The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission issued a report warning of one metre sea level rise this century. This estimate is completely out of line with a recent study which reported that sea level is rising 1.8 mm/year, and that 0.7mm of … Continue reading

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Antarctica – Feels Like Minus 110 Degrees

What are these penguins doing, and why do they keep changing positions? Weather Forecast Vostok, Antarctica | Vostok Weather | Wunderground

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A Modern Day Prophet In Our Midst

This man warns that the world has become degenerate, depraved and corrupt consumers of fossil fuels (not to mention the fornication of penguins) and that we are going to drown in a great flood as a result of our failure to heed him and … Continue reading

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Ehrlich – Repeating The Same Crap Since Nixon Was President

The Australian Women’s Weekly Wednesday 28 July 1971 Extinction warning: Dr. Paul Ehrlich says man is destroying the world. Too many people, and too much pollution. Scientist Dr. Paul Ehrlich warns: Do something about it, because man is on THE ROAD TO EXTINCTION. … Continue reading

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1897 : Worldwide Drought And Crop Failure – Earth Doomed

The Inquirer & Commercial News Perth Friday 1 January 1897 01 Jan 1897 – THE WORLD’S HARVEST FAILURES.

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