Back From My Ride

The official temperature is 98 degrees. The highest I measured on my bike was 92 degrees. The Weather Underground map has a 15 degree spread over two miles, yet Phil Jones was able to determine the southern hemisphere temperature in 1850 to a precision of 0.001 degrees – from a single thermometer in New Zealand. Ain’t climate science grand?

BTW – The Google Chrome spell checker is unfamiliar with the word “Zealand”

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Back From My Ride

  1. Lance says:

    bailed on my ride this morning…rain and more rain…Gran Fondo coming up though in Mid July…

  2. Jimmbbo says:

    Just as amazing is that Michael Mann-made Global Warming faked his phony tree ring data to run his Chicken Little “the world is cooking” scam the same way!

    When I was in college, we called Mann’s “techniques ” “dry labbing” the results… some things never change.

  3. That’s because it’s a misspelling of “Zeeland” Zee meaning Sea & Land meaning that brown stuff you stand on.

    But it should probably be “Neu” or “Nieuw” not “New”.

  4. jimash1 says:

    ” yet Phil Jones was able to determine the southern hemisphere temperature in 1850 to a precision of 0.001 degrees – from a single thermometer in New Zealand.

    Glad your ride went well. its kinda hot.
    LOL. The fools I try to convince, would not know who Phil Jones is, and would say ” i don’t listen to him, I listen to the climate scientists”! And then they get indignant and tell me it’s a peer reviewed consensus.
    The idea that the numbers have been fudged or that they continue to be fudged on a daily basis
    rolls right off them.
    And so its always the Hottest Year Ever .

  5. You should be using Firefox on Lubuntu—

  6. Or Opera on FreeBSD. Or even linux-opera on FreeBSD.

  7. I like Opera on openSUSE–12.1

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