56 MPH


Some joker came by earlier and was quoting wind speeds at 200 feet above the surface. Why not go right up into the jet stream?

NDBC – Station LOPL1

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 56 MPH

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Maybe the joker has never been on a hill top in a wind storm . I really think the problem with the warmists is that they just don’t get out very much .

  2. The reason he was making a big deal out of the wind speed that high is because he doesn’t know what he is doing. Many global warming believers are in that state.

  3. John - Warming Fraud says:

    Uh… 200m isn’t anywhere close to the jet stream, and over water, it’s well in the boundary layer and probably representative of surface conditions.

      • Toby says:

        John’s right. You’re wrong. Get over it. 200 feet is well within the boundary layer and if it were a landfalling hurricane in another part of the country which got to land 200 ft in elevation you wouldn’t see an increase in wind speed like what you describe.

        NOAA recorded 80mph sustained winds. This is a fact. Wake up and stop being such a baby. Real lives are at stake right now with a real hurricane in LA.

        Your blog has about as much ‘real science’ in it as a bag of jelly beans.

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