Always Remember To Rake Your Footprints

Itis just bad sportsmanship to leave the traps looking like that. Apparently the big meltdown this summer got everyone confused.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Always Remember To Rake Your Footprints

  1. johnmcguire says:

    Where are the gophers ? What golfing needs are real obstacles like gopher holes and mole humps and a badger or two . Think of the fun you could have trying to hit a praire dog with a golf ball . And if you had gophers and moles then you would have coyotes and foxes and hawks , oh boy .

  2. squid2112 says:

    I hate it when people don’t rake the bunkers and repair their ball marks. Sheeesh…

    Where’s the beer cart girl? As hot as it looks in that picture, I would think folks would be wanting some cold refreshments.

  3. Streetcred says:

    Look again, that’s GUR to the left of the markers … and some twit has gone walking through the new turf planting.

  4. Honestly looks like the greens are kinda close together. & where are the red tee boxes? Barry Obama-Soetoro-Davis-Robinson might want to play a round, you know.

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