Hansen Lying About Drought


Contiguous U.S., Palmer Modified Drought Index (PMDI), July-June 1896-2012

Hansen claims that severe droughts are much more likely now due to global warming. There is no factual basis behind his claim. The worst droughts (by far) were during the 1930s and the 1950s.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Hansen Lying About Drought

  1. NoMoreGore says:

    Part of the blitz of eco-psycho babble we’ve witnessed the last few years is an artifact of the perspective of our Global Gov freeloader Criminal in Chief. If we can evict him, some of the lunacy will go as well. Hansen claimed Bush “muzzled” him. Well, someone needs to prosecute him, so he can make all his future speeches in hotel graybar. That can’t happen until Justice and the rule of law return to the Justice Dept. Let’s hope this happens NLT January 2013.

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    I suspect the annointed One’s transcripts are either a rag tag tale of woe, or would be entirely manufactured. I don’t think he legitimately graduated from anywhere. There is a Seattle atty with an accusation that 20M was paid to Harvard, and (he says) accepted for the university by Elena Kagan. Hey, Harry Reid can make wild claims, why not me? 🙂

    Here’s another story on the topic.. I think the biggest scandal is at Harvard, not Columbia.


  3. NoMoreGore says:

    Here’s that story…. but note the comment from Dr. Corsi that this story appears to be a planted hoax….


  4. Kyle K says:

    Why only July-June? Makes it look like a cherry, however accurate it may be.

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