Hurricanes Getting Deadlier

112 years ago this week, a hurricane formed in the Atlantic which later killed at least 8,000 people in Texas, and destroyed Galveston.

Experts tell us that hurricanes are becoming more intense due to livestock farts.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Hurricanes Getting Deadlier

  1. Karl says:

    I truly enjoy your historical news reports. They help put things a little in perspective

  2. squid2112 says:

    Oh, but Fox News just told me this storm in New Orleans is “the worst ever in New Orleans’ history” .. give me a fricken break….

  3. Frank says:

    Idiot. More people died in natural disasters back then not because they were worse, but because they had little or no warning, and no knowledge of how to prepare.

    You keep making this mistake over and over and over, and it’s like you’re doing it on purpose.

    • What a stupid comment. They had several days warning in Galveston and the storm destroyed the entire city.

      • slimething says:

        Strange how on one hand the Franks of the world make statements like that, yet also want to claim there are more storms and tornadoes now than ever before, and that Katrina was the new normal.

        Question: If a tornado is alone in the woods, there is no satellite to detect it or thousands of media outlets to report it, would the wind still blow?
        “Storm warnings were timely and received a wide distribution not only in Galveston but throughout the coast region. Warning messages were received from the Central Office at Washington on September 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. “

      • Frank says:

        They did not have adequate warning. They did not evacuate. They did not have adequate construction.

        If you honestly think warnings today are the same they were 100 years ago, then you are a massive idiot.

        • No you are a massive idiot. The NWS said that Ike (2008) brought “certain death” to everyone in Galveston, but 40% of the population didn’t leave – and they didn’t die either.

    • Scarface says:

      @ Frank

      Got this from Roger Pielke JR’s blog:

      Hurricane Damage Risk and Predictions

      “These conclusions reinforce the results of my analysis of short-term landfall and damage projections (PDF). The figure below comes from that paper and shows the historical record of US hurricane landfalls from 1851-2008.There has been no upward trend in hurricane landfalls or damage over the period of available data. (see graph)
      Looking globally at all hurricanes and tropical cyclones, there are no upwards trends in frequency (top graph below, from R. Maue) or intensity (bottom graph below, from R. Maue) over the period of record. (see graph)”


      Pielke is an expert in this field. Feel free to differ with him, but then please share your data and facts with us. Awaiting your response, to learn something new.

  4. Nigel Harris says:

    “Experts tell us that hurricanes are becoming more intense due to livestock farts.”

    How childish can you get?

  5. Scarface says:

    “hurricanes are becoming more intense due to livestock farts”

    That’s why cattle never should be lined up. That would lead to a kind of series connection, leading to an amplified airflow, thus empowering any passing wind to hurricane strenght.

    Didn’t the EPA regulate this yet?

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