Mosher On The Ice-Free Arctic

July 15, 2012 at 12:45 pm

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Mosher On The Ice-Free Arctic

  1. Blade says:

    Mosher is really unbelievable.

    Can someone try to get him to answer a simple question (good luck!) – What does he specifically think Sea-Ice extent tells us about anything?

    There are over-powering variables at work that absolutely DWARF CO2 – water currents and wind. It really is similar to the root AGW hypothesis being overwhelmed by over-powering variables such as water vapor.

    This Sea-Ice extent thingie is as far from a controlled experiment as you can design. No real scientist can possibly care about it because it is un-scientific. Either he is playing around like a devil’s advocate or he is tipping his hand that he is as much a fake, phony and fraud as his posse of brainless dimwits.

    • Now now… everyone is entitled to their point of view… Mosher is going with the mainstream consensus position and that’s OK. Me personally, I don’t have his confidence. Been a sceptic my whole life and I don’t take scientific claims too seriously until I start seeing predictions getting verified.

  2. R. Gates says:

    Mosher’s a pretty smart dude. Pretty amazing that even back in July (before the big August meltdown) of the Arctic that he saw the potential for 2007 records getting “crushed” — which they have.

    Funny that many skeptics fail to realize that current & winds all represent energy in the Earth system and that excess CO2 and other greenhouse gases are all about altering the Earth’s energy balance. Do you think that temperature is the only way that you can measure energy in Earth’s energy system.

    Finally, for some who can’t understand what the fuss is all about related to a declining Arctic sea ice cap, you might want put your extreme bias viewpoint away and get a bit of an education by watching this:

    • The problem with your energy balance claim is that we can’t find the extra energy in the atmosphere, and it’s not showing up in the top 700 metres of ocean either. (And if it’s gone below that level it’s rather implausible that it can have any effect, given how cold it is at that depth.)

      So what does that leave you? It all went into Northern Atmospheric sea ice? Sounds far fetched to me, but then again maybe my ‘extreme bias[d] viewpoint’ is causing me to fail to see something magical that your group can see.

    • Crushed? You must be thinking of the Orange Crush, when they lost Super Bowl XXII 42-10

      That 500% error on the minimum extent was super duper close.

    • Was it his completely daft talk of an ice free Arctic that makes you enamored with him RGates?

    • Blade says:

      R.Gates: “Finally, for some who can’t understand what the fuss is all about related to a declining Arctic sea ice cap

      ‘Declining’ means a quantitative difference between two periods of time. That means you first need two periods of time accurately measured before you can even perform the math to determine the difference. That also means using the same method to establish the extent at those two periods of time. That means two satellite photos or radar returns from the same bird in the same position in orbit on the day of minimum extent in the two years you want to compare, processed with the same filters and algorithms, presented side by side. Can you show me those? In short, we need to focus on apples and apples because that is what a real scientist would do. You and the rest of the mad cabal of cackling climate hens, R.Gates, simply cannot even tell the difference between apples and turnips.

      Maybe you can answer the question Mosher will not answer – What should Sea-Ice extent be doing when measured from the peak of a cold cycle in 1979 through a warmer cycle? Hint: Should it be declining, staying the same or increasing? If you can get past that simple one, move on to the bigger one – What should temps be doing when measured from the peak of a cold period (Little Ice Age) through now?

      As far as Mosher being smart, should we just take your word for it? The high praise he received for detecting Gleick’s mannerisms in the faked Heartland memo was definitely very interesting but still has not panned out. I was hoping it did because I was then going submit some of his own cryptic comments full of spelling and punctuation errors, and case mangling for him to analyze as well. 😉

    • Could R Gates really be Mosher?

  3. I don’t know if he’s intentionally trying to be cryptic to look cute or if he needs some kind of medicine. I’m not joking.

  4. John Silver says:

    There’s something wrong with Mosher. He seems to be bipolar intelligent – stupid.
    He’s constantly arrogant, though.

  5. gator69 says:

    I don’t know if anyone else has noticed, but the Sun is setting earlier with each passing day. And to compound matters, it is RISING later as well! At this rate we will be light free by 2013!!!

    Oh the huge manatee!

    • Robert of Ottawa says:

      Only up North (of the equator, that is).

      Do you realize the earth is spinning out of control?

      • gator69 says:

        So you are saying the Sun is a hemispherist, that hates on northerners? If so it must be America’s fault!

        Good God Robert, we must raise taxes to stop this infernal spinning, and hemispheric hate!

  6. I am not sure what R Gates’s video was supposed to show, other than the US getting a typical winter. However HH Lamb found many undesirable effects from the expanding Arctic ice in the 60’s and 70’s.

    1) Greater concentration of the equatorial rains near the equator.
    2) Reduced rainfall and failures of the monsoons over the zones near 10-20o N and 12-20o S (and farther South).
    3) Much smaller changes over middle latitudes, where the most significant feature has been the very awkward type of variability from year to year, associated with the behaviour of blocking systems and meridional circulation patterns.
    4) Substantially increased downput (mainly snow) in the highest Northern Latitudes.

    He goes on:-

    Examples of the consequences of these features include a number of serious items besides the extremes of cold and warmth, drought and flood associated with the occurrences of blocking in middle latitudes.

    The greater yield of equatorial rains since 1961 over the equator led to abrupt rises of the levels of the great lakes there, drowning harbours and much land.

    But , far more serious were the droughts in the zones to the North and South. In the Sahel between 200,000 and 400,000 died in the drought of 1972-73.

    In those parts of N and NW India, near the limit reached by the summer monsoon, Bryson (1973) has noted a corresponding effect, scarcely less threatening to the inhabitants than the 6 year drought from 1968-73 in the West African Sahel.

    • Shooter says:

      Looks like he didn’t watch the whole video, but just posted it because it “supported” his views.

      Still waiting for an ice-free Arctic.

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