Obama’s New Campaign Strategy

Last month Obama took the brilliant strategy of portraying Romney as a successful businessman who can make hard choices.

This month he is portraying Romney as someone who uses his money wisely, rather than voluntarily providing extra money for Obama to steal.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Obama’s New Campaign Strategy

  1. benfrommo says:

    Yea, but Romney did not build the business. Others built it for him in the Government, because only Government can create according to Obama. But yes, pretty much. I am wondering what the point of the nonsense campaign from Obama is about so far. Its been one laugh after another.

  2. LOL in Oregon says:

        “You didn’t build that!”
    is the cry of the incompetent to avoid acknowledging that
        “they not only didn’t, they couldn’t.”

    Isn’t it amazing how clueless, bot-replaceable drones
    try to insure that
        “equal opportunity”
        “to swill from the goberment trough!”

    Vote early! Vote Often!
    It’s the Chicago way (to swill from the trough)!

  3. BigWaveDave says:

    Every time I hear Romney’s “singing”, I want to puke.
    Obama’s approval of playing it over and over, can’t be winning him many friends.

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