Someone Thinks We Are Stupid

August 15, 2012

“We’re going around the country, talking about, ‘How do we put people back to work? How do we improve our schools? How do we make sure that we’re producing American energy? How do we lower our debt in a responsible way?’ And I don’t think you or anybody who’s been watching the campaign would say that in any way we have tried to divide the country. We’ve always tried to bring the country together,” President Obama said in an interview with Entertainment Tonight.

Obama: I Don’t Think Anyone Would Suggest I’ve Tried To Divide The Country | RealClearPolitics

Right ….

August 15, 2012

The nation’s first elected black governor, Doug Wilder of Virginia, has lambasted Vice President Joe Biden on national television for his comment Tuesday about banks keeping people “in chains.”

Wilder, a Democrat and a grandson of slaves, echoed indignant Republican claims that Biden’s remarks before a largely black crowd in Danville, Va., brought racism into the presidential race.

First black governor of Virginia, Doug Wilder, slams Biden for ‘chains’ remark 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Someone Thinks We Are Stupid

  1. miked1947 says:

    No one is going to “Suggest” anything of the sort.
    O’Bambi needs to see the evidence is out for everyone to see that he is trying his best to divide the country in every way possible.
    No “Suggestion” needed.

  2. Justa Joe says:

    The Donks’ whole rap is to divide people. They do it so much that they don’t even realize that they’re doing it.

  3. leftinbrooklyn says:

    Wise men come in all colors (Wilder), as do fools (Biden).

    • Blade says:

      Wise men come in all colors (Wilder), as do fools (Biden).

      Dougie is not much to wrote home about. I’ll bet he is thinking of running again.

      It’s just that Biden sets the bar so low. Levin had previously dubbed him “the dumbest man in the United States Senate”, and he was right, especially if you watched Biden over the past four decades. He may very well now be the ‘dumbest man in the Vice-Presidency’ which is really saying something considering the competition.

      When Wilder hits a bullseye it is usually because the target is the size of the Titanic.

  4. I don’t see how anyone, especially the interviewer, could keep a straight face when Obama said that — unless they were dissociated from reality (whenever Obama says anything), as Obama is himself. Strike the pennants and pull in the drawbridge; this Presidency is closed until further notice.

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