The Man Made Hockey Stick

The graph below shows the almost two degree US upwards adjustment trend being applied by USHCN between the raw thermometer data and the published monthly data.

The adjustments they are making are greater than the claimed trend, meaning that all man made US warming is occurring inside ORNL and GISS computers.

There is no legitimate physical explanation would would explain such a regular trend in temperature bias – other than UHI, which has the opposite polarity.

In their literature, they document 0.5F worth of adjustments, not 1.8F . They are delivering data with more than 300% of the adjustments described in Menne et al.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to The Man Made Hockey Stick

  1. Steve, you are beginning to see the outline of the cancerous growth that began after the United Nations was established on 24 Oct 1945 and frightened world leaders agreed to use public funds to manipulate scientists into confirming government-approved models of reality instead of making unbiased new observations of reality.

    This plot developed out-of-sight for sixty-four years before surfacing in Climategate emails and documents in 2009 (2009-1945 = 64 yrs).

    Here’s the rest of the story:

  2. Dave N says:

    For any alarmist apologists that might be lurking: feel free to post explanations as to these adjustments, since apparently they’re not documented anywhere.

  3. Andy DC says:

    So, how do we get this message to the public?

  4. Bob Kutz says:

    Can you provide a link to the source for the graph or data?

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