US Summers Getting Cooler Since 1895

Two of the five coolest summers in US history occurred during the last ten years. The summer of 2003 was more than six degrees cooler than 1936.

Afternoon temperatures were much hotter during the 1930s, with many more record maximum temperatures.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to US Summers Getting Cooler Since 1895

  1. Don Sutherland says:

    Although the use of raw data with inherent and well-known systemic biases creates the illusion of a long-term cooling trend over the summer, NCDC data suggest otherwise. Two quick points: 1) Summer 2011 was only 1.11°F cooler than Summer 1936 and 2) the coolest summer since 2000 was 2004, which ranked 42nd coolest since 1895.

    • They have altered the data to bring recent temperature more than 1.5 degrees up relative to 1930s temperatures.

      Their claim of “well known biases” is complete bullshit. 99.999% of the people who see their graphs have no idea that the thermometer data shows a decline – and that the published data has been tampered with.

      • Don Sutherland says:

        The correct data, which removes biases including but not limited to timeof observation, shows no decline.

        • Sorry Don, but I work in industry. Some government climate activists making a decision in the year 2000 to apply computer code to implement their personal belief and influence political policy system does not qualify as acceptable practice..

  2. Don Sutherland says:

    The reference to summer 2011 should be summer 2003. I typed the wrong year, but the temperature data is correct.

    • The thermometers showed that 1936 was more than three degrees warmer than 2011. The data published by NCDC has been altered by “well known” climate activists Tom Karl and James Hansen.

  3. Norm says:

    Ms. Emily Sohn, the author of the above article writes: “Before 1980, excessively hot summers were practically non-existent.”

    I laughed so loud that I woke up everyone in my office. Journalism hits bottom.

  4. What would graphs of the average temperatures look like? Surely that is the real measure of whether it is getting warmer or cooler, not just looking at the maximum outliers?

    • I’m guessing that you need to see an optometrist.

      • No I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure it says in the Title, “US Summers Getting Cooler Since 1895” and the first graph says “US Summer Maximum Temperatures”.

        If anyone is in doubt what the problem here is, it is explained here;

        Would Steve really measure the speed of a journey by the fasted point of it?

      • miked1947 says:

        You are confusing yourself on this one. The method used to determine the speed of a journey is not applicable when trying to determine if days are getting warmer.
        You could determine how fast you went each day to see if you were going faster or slower as the days progressed, but even that is not relevant to the discussion of whether temperatures are warming or cooling. If we have more days below 90 degrees now than we did then, it is getting cooler.

    • miked1947 says:

      Gee LAZ:
      If I wanted to know whether it was warmer or cooler I would want the average temperature for all the Summers.
      Because they only provide MAX, MIN and MEAN, the second option is to look at the MAX to see if those are getting warmer or not. Average temperatures are not available. What is provided is adjusted results. So I agree with Steven that looking at raw Max temperature data for the Summers would be the proper way to examine if it is getting warmer of cooler.
      Looking at known corruption in the Min temperature due to UHI, means that is unreliable as an indicator. That also rules out Mean as an indicator.
      They do not have the technology to provide graphs of the AVERAGE temperature.
      Think about what you wrote and what it would require to provide “Average” temperature during any past period.
      For the daily average would you use two points, four points, twelve points or would it be better to take measurements each six minutes and average those over the day. Two data points is not statistically significant.

      • “If we have more days below 90 degrees now than we did then, it is getting cooler.”

        So if we had 1 day above 90 and 99 at 60 then that would be warmer than 100 days at 89?

        “If I wanted to know whether it was warmer or cooler I would want the average temperature for all the Summers.
        Because they only provide MAX, MIN and MEAN,”

        I’m not quite sure you have grasped the definition of MEAN.

        So if Steve graphed the average like you suggest would be the best, what sort of graph would he have showed, (if he dared), compared to the one above?

        • miked1947 says:

          You still do not understand.
          They are reporting the Average of the max, the average of the lo min and the average of the mean.
          If I want to know if it is getting warmer I would want the average of the max for each of the years we ar discussing.
          However the records have been corrupted beyond worthless. If we take the rawe data that we have for specific sites that have a long enough history and they are not to affected by growth and technological advances, we might get some usable results that show warming, cooling or steady state climate over long periods of time.
          You can not get the average temperature for all the summers, it does not exist.
          You can get the average of the max, the average of the min and the average of the mean. Or at least that is what is claimed when they also say they hope people will think the data they provide from their model runs is valid in some way.
          If you want a link to GISS talking about the lack of real value in their product, I can give it to you again.

      • miked1947 says:

        You are talking about the average of the max.
        The mean is not the daily average but the mid point between high and low, while interesting in a casual way it is meaningless as far as climate goes.
        I have seen a high of 110 with the overnight low reaching 50, because of a cold front.
        The mean for the day would be 80 and that does not tell me JACK about what the weather was that day. I have also experienced the daily high and low within an hour of each other. Without hourly or a finer resolution of temperature recordings all you know is the max and min. The more measurements the greater the confidence in the results.
        If they need to be adjusted you can throw the end results out with the rest of the trash.

  5. Lazarus says:

    Leave a Reply

    • Lazarus says:

      miked1947 ignore the test post above;

      “I have also experienced the daily high and low within an hour of each other.”

      If this is really true then why are you explaining this to me and not Steve? If you believe MAX and MIN are not suitable measures to determine anything significant about temperature trends you must surely agree with me about Steve’s use of maximum temperatures to make his cooling claim above.

  6. There Is No Substitute for Victory. says:

    The screen name Lazarus, a man just resurrected from the dead is a good one for you.

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