Amusing Thread

One alarmist has been busy posting away claiming that winter winds in the Arctic (which push multi-year ice out from the Pacific side towards the Atlantic side)  couldn’t possibly have anything to do with ENSO.

Typical brilliant, open-minded thinking. No wonder climate science is at such an advanced state of utter uselessness.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to Amusing Thread

  1. Sundance says:

    Those that were drooling that James Hansen’s predictions of a scorching El Nino will be disapointed that the little boy be weak.

  2. Sundance says:

    Dana at SkS is predicting that 2013 will be the hottest year ever. If the little boy is weak it will be up to the keepers of the temperature data to make Dana’s wish come true.

  3. suyts says:

    Well, Steve, you know to expect that by now. Anything contrary to alarmist neurosis will be attacked by the alarmist neurotics.

  4. Andy DC says:

    Weak El Nino favors lots of snow for mid-latitude places in the US. If that occurs, alarmists will blame on it on AGW, just like they blamed the past winter’s lack of snow on AGW. It is wonderful when you have all bases as well as your ass covered.

  5. I was hoping for an above average El Nino, because I needed the dry weather. Damn.

  6. tckev says:

    Sounds like you have been taking uknowispeakoutofmybutt’s comments way to seriously.

  7. Michael says:

    C’mon guys and gals, if you chase iknowwheremyassiscauseicanfinditwithmyhands away from this site, like you did David Apple Pie, what are we gonna do for our morning funnies?

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