Another Record Hurricane BS Year

Atlantic hurricanes have been quiet again this year, which can mean only one thing – more propaganda.

Weather Street: 2012 Atlantic Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to Another Record Hurricane BS Year

  1. SMS says:

    We have records for hurricanes striking the US going back to the 1850’s. When a comparison is made of land striking hurricanes since the first records were taken we find that there is nothing unusual in the present count.

    There have also been changes in what gets counted as a hurricane. All these changes didn’t increase the number of hurricanes, just the number in the count.

    Those working to produce graphs like that shown above know how misleading the information presented is and are complicit in furthering the idea of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming. Truth is precious and in the hands of the wrong people the truth gets twisted into an agenda.

  2. tckev says:

    Yet again cherry pick the dates and average out the inconvenient data.
    Seen that done before?

  3. Billy Liar says:

    I think there should be some kind of time limit on cloud naming. Unless it lasts for, say, 24 hours, I don’t think a storm should be upgraded. A number of 6-hour wonders would disappear from the record.

  4. Joseph Bastardi says:

    We should use the ace index as a start, and ace per storm which is less than half normal. That way if they name 20, and the ace is only 80 we can get a true look.

    even better is cumulative pressure/storm/day below 1000 mb. Total up the lowest pressure of any storm below 1000 mb, those above do not count.
    The old joke you can see a ham sandwich is being replaced now by, when it comes to tropical cyclones, you can name one

  5. Joseph Bastardi says:

    The amazing thing btw is the closer they are into land the weaker they are classified relative to impact. That is why the scale I have, which incorporates pressure wont let an Isaac or Ike slip through the cracks. Took alot of guff about Isaac and how bad it would be, and it lived up to its billing as the damage from wind south of New Orleans will show it was cat 2 as the recon winds were showing. The eye tightens coming to the coast and the flight level winds will come down in a storm that is intensifying. Conversely a weakening storm ( Irene) its the opposite and hence the wind being generally less

    • I expect different people — mostly old codgers? I’m 64 — will remember it differently. I didn’t follow it after the first full day after initial landfall, it was not a hurricane in my view, but all that time I never saw hurricane-force winds on the land, and mostly around-10 mph flags on the wunderground map. On the Weather Channel, Al Roker had to hunt for just the right spot on one street corner to wax rhapsodic over the “high” winds, which he continually insinuated were up around 90 mph; he finally got a local fellow to measure the windspeed in that spot, and it checked in at 46 mph (or was it 41?), though they still insisted it occasionally gusted to 90 to “over” 100 mph. I (silently) agreed with Steven Goddard’s reporting that it made landfall with only 45 mph winds (though I thought even that was an exaggeration for the average of wind speeds showing on the land). I didn’t hang around for the back side of the storm to head inland, but even if the winds were higher then, they couldn’t have lasted long. All the time the eye hung just offshore, going westward, I never saw the storm intensifying. That doesn’t mean I am right, but that’s the way this scientist will remember it, as just another fizzled hurricane, basically just a strong, extended rainstorm (it has been overcast, with fitful short periods of actual moisture, here in central Tennessee, for the last 2 or 3 days), that was overhyped to make people hysterical and score points, either for the ever-hopeful (and nowadays hypeful) weathermen, or for Obama and the Democratic party (who feel the need for a good catastrophe to pose in front of).

  6. Chewer says:

    it looks like our next (winter) storm coming up the western Alaska coast is a humdinger.
    The snowline outside our window is down to 3100′ and dropping:)
    Tok Cutoff Road (north side of America’s largest National park).

  7. David says:

    Joseph Bastardi says:
    September 4, 2012 at 1:37 am
    Joseph, what was the highest ground recorded substained wind speed from Issac, and, now or in the past, are these used to record a hurricanes land fall power?


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