Another Wave Of Climate Refugees

With summer temperatures in the 60s in the south and the 20s in North Dakota, climate refugees are fleeing the south – just as the moron hockey team predicted.

Weather Street: Temperature Forecast Movie

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Another Wave Of Climate Refugees

  1. Michael says:

    We are having the best fall ever in Alberta, Canada. No frost yet, and it’s September 19th! and half the leaves are still green. Daytime highs are in the 70’s for the full 7 day forecast!

    The bumper crop is in the bin with no frost damage, quality and quantity at historic highs.

    Who wants a colder world? Only a moron wants permawinter.

    • lance says:

      Isn’t this incredible Michael!!! I love it this year!! In fact we have been lucky the last few falls with good weather, and the farmers have been just giving it out there.
      was out for another bike ride tonight and all over the horizon, you could see dust clouds rising up as farmers were busy combining!!! Its 9pm and its 18C outside right now!!!

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