France Now Freer Than The US

Obama has presided over numerous key milestones. The first US credit downgrade, $16 trillion in debt, and the destruction of the US Constitution.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to France Now Freer Than The US

  1. The world is dangerously unstable now. The last thing we need is someone inciting violence.

    The upcoming election or revolution may decide if these brave souls [1-3] correctly observed and reported the purpose of AGW propaganda:

    1. Dr.Václav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic

    Blue Planet in Green Shackles (Competitive Enterprise Institute, 2007, 100 pages)

    2. Dr. Robert Zurbin, President of the Mars Society:

    Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Anti-humanism (New Atlantis Books, 2012)

    3. Dr. J. Marvin Herndon, President of Transdyne Corporation

    NASA’s Science: A Betrayal of Trust (e-book, 2012)

    With kind regards.
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

    • leftinbrooklyn says:

      ‘The world is dangerously unstable now. The last thing we need is someone inciting violence.’

      Nope. Sorry, Oliver, dead wrong. In response to the violent reactions of the dangerously unstable, is the absolute MOST important time to defiantly express our liberties. Their violence can never be allowed to regulate the free expression of one’s opinions. Allowing violence to do so is how you get ‘White’s Only’ drinking fountains.

      They’re certainly offended by Christianity also. Would you ask US Christians to not go to church until things quiet down?

      And blaming one person’s or group’s violence on another person’s opinion, is just an ugly absolution of the guilty.

  2. Yes We Can't says:

    hey, as of last week, that’s two credit down grades.

  3. Well, one might argue that the destruction of the US Constitution began with his predecessor, also from Illinois, in 1861.

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