Mission Accomplished

Black Flag of Islam Flies Over American Embassy in Tunisia as Attacks on America Continue Around the Globe | Cleveland Leader

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Mission Accomplished

  1. gator69 says:

    Now if we can just get a shot of a smiling Obama, standing in front of this frame saying, “I not only approved this message, I sent it!”

  2. NikFromNYC says:

    Spin: calling the Al Qaeda flag the nice little “Flag of Islam.”

    Official State Dept. statement: http://cdn.pjmedia.com/tatler/files/2012/09/embassypr.jpg

  3. NikFromNYC says:

    …and our top general makes a friendly call to a Koran burning pastor who also makes movies:


  4. Hugh K says:

    Black flag over a US embassy? That would explain why our white-guilt-ridden palace-guard media types are blaming everyone except the muslim extremists for the “protests”. Think what you will about the muslim brotherhood, they certainly have learned how to play the western media.

  5. Kaboom says:

    Islam, religion with a sense of humor.

  6. Where are the Marines? Is not a US Embassy sovereign territory?

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