Origins Of The Vietnam War

Johnson started the Vietnam War over an incident which never occurred, managed to get 70,000 Americans killed – and then we left the place a complete mess with the Khmer Rouge in charge of much of the region.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Origins Of The Vietnam War

  1. Raindog says:

    And Vietnam was the only war we’ve waged in which the pretext for it was staged/didn’t happen, right?

  2. Sundance says:

    LBJ also staged the war on poverty which has lasted over 50 years and which the Dems continue to lose. 🙂

  3. timg56 says:

    As history goes, this post puts you in the category of Oliver Stone.

  4. jimash1 says:

    Shit doesn’t happen.

  5. Lou says:

    That war messed up my wife’s uncle. Just passed away after suffering from Parkinson’s for 20 years…

  6. Jason Calley says:

    It was a very lucrative war and created very good balance sheets for many well-connected companies.

  7. RoHa says:

    “managed to get 70,000 Americans killed”

    And more than three million Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians, as well as 5,000 South Koreans, 500 Australians, and Thais and New Zealanders. But they don’t count, do they?

    “– and then we left the place a complete mess”

    However, the Vietnamese tidied up their part fairly quickly.

    “with the Khmer Rouge in charge of much of the region.”

    No, only in charge of Cambodia. The Vietnamese took care of that, as well.

  8. D Bonson says:

    And yet the real attack on the USS Liberty was ignored by LBJ. A bigger mess in the Middle East was to follow in the decades ahead.

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