Real Estate Investing At The World’s Only Inhabitable Continent

The UK’s top scientist told us a few years ago that Antarctica would soon be the world’s only inhabitable continent. Springtime has arrived, and it is time to start planning your future retirement home.

Weather Forecast – Antarctica, AA – Local & Long Range | Weather Underground

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Real Estate Investing At The World’s Only Inhabitable Continent

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    I got goosebumps just reading the emps.
    makes the rather low temp here feel rather warm.

  2. gator69 says:

    Does anyone know the depth of the Antarctic frost line? I’m drawing up plans for my summer home, and can’t decide between indoor or outdoor pool. Definitely going solar for power!

  3. Andy DC says:

    I expect climate refugees from Arizona and Florida will be migrating to Antarctica any day.

  4. tckev says:

    Marcel Leroux Wikipedia
    As flagged up by
    certain parties would appear to be trying to remove page (or at least edit him down to nothing).
    He was a man that publish a few papers criticizing the AGW theory and offered other explanations for climate events. Should he be removed?

  5. TomC says:

    I wonder if carrots and beets grow as well in snow as they do in soil?

  6. Hugh K says:

    I’ve always had a hankerin’ to start a penguin ranch but the missus don’t like the calving…..

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