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- Bob G on Angry And Protesting
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- arn on Angry And Protesting
- Russell Cook on Angry And Protesting
- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
- Allan Shelton on Causes Of Earthquakes
- william on Bad Weather Caused By Racism
Assuming I read correctly, International Falls, MN was 21 degrees this morning.
I double checked. The official low at International Falls was 20!
Man, I sure don’t miss living in North Dakota!
Others are “pulling back the curtain” of official deceit.
1. Dr. Robert Zurbin, President of the Mars Society: Merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists, and the Fatal Cult of Anti-humanism (New Atlantis Books, 2012)
2. Dr. J. Marvin Herndon: NASA’s Science: A Betrayal of Trust (e-book)
3. PBS News Hour interviews AGW skeptic, Anthony Watts: “Climate Change Skeptic Says Global Warming Crowd Oversells Its Message”
4. NASA scientists released data showing twenty-two billion billion (22 x 10^18) Earths could fit inside the gigantic “sphere of influence” of the Sun’s pulsar core: “Voyager chasing solar system’s edge”
5. Earth is one of those closest to the pulsar. Its influence on Earth’s climate was published ten years ago [“Super-fluidity in the solar interior: Implications for solar eruptions and climate,” Journal of Fusion Energy 21, 193-198 (2002)], seven years before the Climategate scandal broke in 2009.
6. Drs. Bruce Lipton and Tom Campbell discuss the common findings of philosophy, psychology, sciences and spirituality) Video
they can keep it, we are having the CAGW that the US was getting this summer. I’m thinking they need to focus on Southern Alberta to keep the BS going!! 10c all week above normal….this has to be reported…and adjusted upwards for good book keeping….
Not at all that unusual in Sept for my neck of the woods to see a cold snap that’ll bring a snow shower or two with heavy frost in the a.m.. We had a widespread freeze last year at this time too with snow showers.
We must remember now, this is weather. When its above normal, it’s CAGW. /sarc off