Shock News : India Only Nine Degrees Cooler Than 1935

ScreenHunter_588 May. 29 04.21

ScreenHunter_589 May. 29 04.21 Twitter / ForecastFacts: Over 500 dead as killer heat …

ScreenHunter_585 May. 28 22.12

08 Jun 1935 – HEAT WAVE IN INDIA. 124 Degrees at One Place NUM…

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Shock News : India Only Nine Degrees Cooler Than 1935

  1. Chewer says:

    Be careful there Steven, you may be accused as being a co-conspirator in unearthing historical events that distract from the administration & fellow followers goals:)

  2. F. Guimaraes says:

    You’re always ahead of them Steve, great catch!
    Meanwhile, the NORSEX ice area is at the 1979-2006 average again (as it happened in April last year), but now the rate of decrease is slower than in all recent years (since 2007)
    It’s a good sign for the coming summer.

  3. papiertigre says:

    Remember the warmist phrase ” the US only makes up about 2% of the world’s surface”?

    It was the battle cry of the Hansenites back when 1934 was still the hottest year on Earth.
    Just before Hansen finger fudged 1998 into the new hottest year ever in 2007, he made the comment,

    Another favorite target of those who would raise doubt about the reality of global warming is the lack of quality data from South America and Africa, a legitimate concern. You will note in our maps of temperature change some blotches in South America and Africa, which are probably due to bad data. Our procedure does not throw out data because it looks unrealistic, as that would be subjective. But what is the global significance of these regions of exceptionally poor data? As shown by Figure 1, omission of South America and Africa has only a tiny effect on the global temperature change. Indeed, the difference that omitting these areas makes is to increase the global temperature change by (an entirely insignificant) 0.01C.

    SO WITH Africa and South America insignificant, America experiencing it’s warmest decade ever (reinserting the 2 degrees that the Hansen team erased), and now we add the Indian sub-continent having heat waves. I bet they had hot weather in Europe, but I’m not going to look.

  4. Stephen Richards says:

    The indians have always had this problem with extreme weather. Their housing and infrastructure are so poor that they need a ‘goldilocks’ temperature to avoid any deaths at all. A temperature between about 65°F and 105°F either side and deaths start to occur. Unfortunately, every year, just before the monsoon, the temperature starts to rise in the north towards 40°C and then on to 45°C. It is what creates the monsoon.

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    It’s all that CO2 they keep exhaling..

  6. D$ says:

    I thought the new MEME was CO2 / global warming causes cold ? Or is that just when its winter ?

  7. Espen says:

    Meanwhile, all of Western Europe except Scandinavia (especially the Arctic part) is “enjoying” an unusually cold May (after a record setting cold March) – with cold records being set for e.g. Paris. See for instance:

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