The Wrong Year To Start Naming Winter Storms

They ran out of letters and had to start over again.

ScreenHunter_216 May. 01 08.27

Winter Storm Achilles: Snow and Cold Kick Off May | Weather Underground

This is what the early spring looks like in my neighborhood today. The only thing that saved us from a huge mess is it has been so cold, the leaves have not come out yet on the Cottonwood trees. Normally they appear near the end of March.

ScreenHunter_217 May. 01 10.39

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to The Wrong Year To Start Naming Winter Storms

  1. cowpoke says:


    3.0″ all time May snowfall record for Twin Cities

    -Rain mixes with..then changes to all snow in the metro later this PM & evening.

    -Snowfall coverage and intensity picks up tonight

    -Overall metro snowfall range looks highly variable, less west & heavier east

    -Snowfall range of 2″ to 6″+ (heaviest east metro) is likely by noon Thursday

    -Morning model runs suggest some 6″ to 12″ totals possible in a narrow band southeast of the Twin Cities from near Owatonna to Red Wing & Hastings to Menomonie and northward toward Rice lake & Hayward.

    MNDOT Cameras:

    3″: most snow from a May storm in the Twin Cities (1946). There is now a 60-70% probability we will break that record.

  2. George B says:

    Naming winter storms is a stupid idea. Basically they are naming cold fronts.

    • Why discriminate against cold fronts? Golly.

      You can’t stop progress.

      Big winds, torrential rains, heat waves and full moons want their names, too. And after them we must grant equality to the mediocre, low self-esteem guys like average temperatures, breezes, wind calms and overcasts.

  3. philjourdan says:

    Around here, we had a lot of them – but all very small impact. We probably got 14 inches of snow (average) out of 12 storms (above average).

  4. gator69 says:

    “Winter” storm? WTF? It is not winter anywhere in the northern hemisphere. Are they afraid to admit that this is a Spring storm?

  5. kbray in california says:

    Steven, your photo makes me feel like playing some Christmas tunes…

  6. “The Wrong Year To Start Naming Winter Storms …”

    Let’s pray they did not pick the wrong century. I am really partial to our little interglacial.

  7. Andy Oz says:

    Shock News: Catastrophic Global Cooling brings unseasonal early snow storms to Australia well before normal winter weather typically does. The Australian Carbon Tax has solved “Climate Change” in just 10 months across the whole world!

    Advance Australia Fair!!!

  8. Andy DC says:

    This storm may bring snow to Texas, Oklahoma and Missouri where May snow is extremely rare.

  9. Obviously this snow was caused by too much heat because Someone Else drove an SUV

  10. bkivey says:

    Maybe they should start naming ‘winter’ storms after ‘climate’ scientists. I’ve got a couple of suggestions when they get to the H’s.

  11. David says:

    I picked the wrong day to give up sniffing glue

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