A Personal Invitation From Al Gore To Marc Morano

ScreenHunter_25 Jun. 10 15.57

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to A Personal Invitation From Al Gore To Marc Morano

  1. Wyguy says:

    Some would call Algore a lair, I call him a denier.

    • beowulftoo says:

      Algore lied about 2000 election in Palm Beach Florida. I was there. Unfortunately I was confused and voted for him. but after all the PBC hanging chads and recounts he lied. He lied about the process, he lied about results. He lied.

      By the way in the Movie ‘An inconvenient Truth’ he said that there were fewer than 10,000 polar bears remaining and becoming fewer because of AGW. It took a few years for a accurate polar bear census. the results were surprising. More than 25,000 polar bears.
      So he lied. He Lied about AGW. .04 percent CO2. CO2 is more massive than O2 than N2 and would tend accumulate near the surface of the earth just by osmosis. Not likely it is forming a blanket in the earth’s upper atmosphere. He ain’t a scientist, He was a Political SCIENTIST, now he is a buffoon. A large buffoon.

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    I’m sure Marc has some interesting questions to submit….

  3. The modern equivalent of “Dear Occupant…” A spam scam, pretending to be a personal invitation. It looks like whoever sent it wanted to taunt Morano. It’s set up so they can ignore any questions they don’t like (you can submit your questions, but they don’t promise to address them), so somebody decided to scam Morano, hoping he will bite and try to get his questions properly aired by them. It’s an attempt to make him waste his time–an internet scam of the petty sort used by someone who’s not particularly intelligent (Al Gore himself? Someone else high up in this “Climate Reality Project”? Or just some minor employee in their Cincinnati office, putting Morano on their e-mail list? Inquiring minds don’t really care, it’s so petty and worthless).

  4. gator69 says:

    Only a leftist would celebrate their now public fraud.

  5. gofer says:

    It’s the BIG lie, because people find it hard to believe that people of his standing would just con people. That’s why the BIG lie works better than little ones. The whole thing has become a secular apocalypse to satisfy their need to worship something and to “struggle” against “evil.” Only the over-privileged have the time for such outrageous foolishness because people living in the real-world have real problems and don’t need to create outlandish ideologies to placate their inner demons. Of course, the bottom line is money, power and prestige. Nerds become newsworthy and Mann isn’t about to give up his new-found status, no matter how many lies he has to tell.

  6. papiertigre says:

    Gore’s proxy wants Morano to attend a function> Morano should send one of his proxies.

    Simple math.

  7. Olaf Koenders says:

    That’s got the taste of ipecac syrup..

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