Brain Boring Beetles

We had record snow in April and May along the Front range of Colorado. April in Boulder was the snowiest month ever. Climate geniuses blamed it on too much moisture in the atmosphere caused by man-made CO2.

A few weeks later, a fire burns up a subdivision in the forest – and the same geniuses declare that man-made CO2 has dried up the fossil fuel powered beetle infested forest.

There wasn’t a beetle problem in that area, and the fire was possible arson during a day of hot Chinook wind.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Brain Boring Beetles

  1. Traitor In Chief says:

    Apparently, one of the beetles is a pyro.

  2. swampsniper says:

    One of the big problems with making stuff up is keeping track of last week’s lies.

    • Jimbo says:

      I disagree. Warmists can tell as many lies as they like in the knowledge that the media will remain silent on their lies.

  3. Jimbo says:

    Did the fire kill any beetles?

    Warmists have reached desperation levels here. They have abandoned the climate debate and are clinging onto weather events. Anything less that 30 years is recognised by the IPCC and WMO as WEATHER. Claims of weather getting worse due to a trace gas rise has to be backed up a several peer reviewed papers showing trends which excludes natural climate variation.

    CAGE, what a scam.

  4. gator69 says:

    Well there’s one thing alarmists need not worry about. 😉

  5. Steve Keohane says:

    WTF is with Chinooks in June. That would be the rare event I would think. In the 20 years I lived around Ft.Collins, I don’t recall them after April, possibly to mid-May. I thought the name meant ‘snow-eater’.

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