Christie Using Hansen’s Prophecy To Force People Out Of Their Homes

James Hansen is now hurting lots of people with his “multi-metre” sea level rise insanity.

TOMS RIVER, N.J. – George Kasimos has almost finished repairing flood damage to his waterfront home, but his Superstorm Sandy nightmare is far from over.

Like thousands of others in the hardest-hit coastal stretches of New Jersey and New York, his life is in limbo as he waits to see if tough new coastal rebuilding rules make it just too expensive for him to stay.

That’s because the federal government’s newly released advisory flood maps have put his Toms River home in the most vulnerable area — the “velocity zone.” If that sticks, he’d have to jack his house up 14 feet on stilts at a cost of $150,000 or face up to $30,000 a year in flood insurance premiums.

New flood maps costly to homeowners |

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Christie Using Hansen’s Prophecy To Force People Out Of Their Homes

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Fat Mann with Christie
    Other than both being zealous about climate change, I noticed one thing that’s the same about leftist climate activist Michael Mann and Chris Christie. Both of them are fatter than heck. Ok, Obese! Look at this picture of the rotund Mann:
    Now I don’t want to be insensitive because many of us work hard and struggle to lose weight. It’s just that these two corpulent climate zealots should know that they would have a smaller carbon footprint if they were… smaller. Mann, take a bike ride!
    “We can’t drive our SUVs, and, uh, you know, eat as much as we want… and then just expect that every other country [is going to be ok with that].” -Barack H Obama
    “The Environmentalist’s Dream is an Egalitarian Society based on: rejection of economic growth, .. eating lower on the food chain, consuming a lot less…” -Aaron Wildavsky, UC Berkeley (Mann’s alma mater)
    “[we would like the United Nations to become] a comprehensive Planetary Regime which could control the .. distribution of all natural resources.. and all food on the international market.” -O’s Science Czar John Holdren

  2. Stewart Pid says:

    Wow … crazy high insurance premiums quoted in the article … they seem to be out of whack by almost 10 times! I wonder what some of the claims were vs what the new premiums will be? Combine that with the probability of a recurrence of Sandy and it appears to be a lot of alarmist enabled price gouging by the insurers.
    However I do agree that those building on known flood plains and former coastal swamps and marshes need to pay more for their higher risk coverage. I bet a lot of the New Jersey folks are making their first claim and yet likely lived there for many decades …. of course climate change will make Sandy a yearly occurrence 😉 sarc

  3. No Substitute for Victory says:

    It is about time that the blotted Christ Christy look a likes start paying their fair share for flood insurance. Welcome to the reality that Gulf Coast homeowners have lived with for decades. Suck it up suckers and deal with it or else move to a NYC high rise. The rest of the USA myself included are not the North East’s personal piggy bank waiting patently to be broken open every time Mother Nature breaks a little wind.

  4. I. Lou Minotti says:

    The only “sea level rise” taking place in New Jersey (or the rest of the east coast, gulf coast, west coast, etc.), can be laid directly at the feet of the politicians or appointed EPA bureaucrats with oversized carbon footprints who travel there not only to make their official pronouncements, but to add to the problem by offering their assistance. No wonder subsidence is taking place! I say, lap band surgery, healthy diets, and a daily half-hour of sweat-breaking cardio for elected officials and their appointed bureaucrats need to be constitutional requirements for those who would deign to rule over us. And then, they would all fit into the Prius’ they want the rest of us to drive.

    Here’s a perfect example of the phonies and the phoniness of it all, depicted in a TV commercial from 1970-71:

  5. Olaf Koenders says:

    No wonder America’s sinking, with fatties like that on board..

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