Dem Senator : If You Don’t Believe Snow Is A Thing Of The Past, You Are Insane

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said Tuesday those who deny carbon dioxide emissions contribute to climate change are “one step short of insane.”

Sen. Whitehouse slams GOP on climate change – The Hill’s E2-Wire

h/t to Marc Morano

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Dem Senator : If You Don’t Believe Snow Is A Thing Of The Past, You Are Insane

  1. philjourdan says:

    YOu got to wonder about the people who elect the idiots.

  2. gator69 says:

    I just sent Sen Shitehouse a note, from the asylum. 😉

  3. Justa Joe says:

    Well at least the Good Senator shouldn’t consider me completely insane since I believe that [anthropogenic?] Carbon dioxide emissions could make an infinitesimally small contribution to the climate so small in fact that its manifestation couldn’t be discerned from natural climate/weather variability. However, I’m not sure what he means by climate change since I’ve never experienced or witnessed it at least not the unprecedented kind.

  4. terrence says:

    As I said over on

    Let me correct that statement for the honorable member: ” Those who BELIEVE CO2 emissions contribute to climate change are — insane’”

    Thank you.

  5. Jorge says:

    These people don’t want any of their opinions challenged and then make the most irrational statements. Smart people use facts, stupid people use insults. It’s worth noting that this is the same guy who blamed Republicans for tornadoes, so there’s that.

  6. “…Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said Tuesday those who deny carbon dioxide emissions contribute to climate change are “one step short of insane.”…”

    While those who think that only anthropogenic CO2 is the main reason the climate can change are going to be the ones running the asylum.

  7. swampsniper says:

    They have so much invested in the lies that they just can’t give them up!

  8. But he carefully avoids claiming that CO2 emissions cause catastrophic climatic conditions, which is what the actual debate is about.

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