Fungus Problem At The Greenland Country Club

They should know not to water the greens at night during the summer.

ScreenHunter_96 Jun. 03 22.24


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Fungus Problem At The Greenland Country Club

  1. Chewer says:

    No doubt, the mosquitos are breeding well:)
    What gives with 14 degrees below normal at 0300 UT for a 4 June timeframe?

  2. tckev says:

    McKibben is in Australia to teach them to ‘do the math’ and give up on digging up their coal.

  3. Billy NZ says:

    He’ll do the maths when he gets to Dunedin and suffers the gore effect.Bet he won’t mind burning a bit of oil or coal to keep his lying arse warm.

  4. squid2112 says:

    They need to aerate and apply a good fungicide. I hate playing after they aerate the greens. But hey, with all that warmth and sun, I am sure the greens will be playable again within the week.

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