Obama Gives Away Military Secrets As He Tries Bradley Manning For Treason

Obama gave away the identity of the Osama Seals, and got them killed by the Taliban. Now he is giving away critical information about a military base.

U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret

TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s military fumed Monday over the discovery that the U.S. government had revealed details of a top-secret Israeli military installation in published bid requests.

The Obama administration had promised to build Israel a state-of-the-art facility to house a new ballistic-missile defense system, the Arrow 3. As with all Defense Department projects, detailed specifications were made public so that contractors could bid on the $25 million project. The specifications included more than 1,000 pages of details on the facility, ranging from the heating and cooling systems to the thickness of the walls.

“If an enemy of Israel wanted to launch an attack against a facility, this would give him an easy how-to guide. This type of information is closely guarded and its release can jeopardize the entire facility,” said an Israeli military official who commented on the publication of the proposal but declined to be named because he wasn’t authorized to discuss the facility. He declined to say whether plans for the facility have been altered as a result of the disclosure.

“This is more than worrying, it is shocking,” he said.
U.S. publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret | McClatchy

Had Bradley Manning reported on a spontaneous YouTube protest, he could be the next White House press secretary.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Obama Gives Away Military Secrets As He Tries Bradley Manning For Treason

  1. Mike says:

    After Alec Baldwin had refused to allow Phelim McAleer on a panel to discuss fracking, the actor used his Twitter handle to challenge the Irish filmmaker to a fracking debate.


    Baldwin is all front and no balls.

    He should stick to this kind of stuff with his wife:

    Alec Baldwin And His Pregnant Wife Appear To Argue On The Street


    She must have left the gas on.

  2. phodges says:

    In this day and age you only have to know the location, which is trivial. The rest is incidental. And why do I have to pay a top secret Israeli base???

  3. higley7 says:

    Since out Undocumented Worker-in-Chief hates Israel, why are we at all surprised that he publishes their secret plans. That’s how he works and he could not be happier that he has “leveled the field.” Let’s hope that Israel learns not to trust him again with anything.

    • phodges says:

      If what you say were true, we not be building a base in Israel, and paying for it. Free money and arms to Israel has increased under Obama. That’s our money, and our arms, for a nation with a higher standard of living than ours….if they don’t want to trust us fine, we can stop giving them billions of dollars every year.

      Rhetoric is not equal to reality….pay attention.

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