Government Tracking Works!

ScreenHunter_95 Jun. 12 15.13

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Government Tracking Works!

  1. The Iconoclast says:

    And there it is. Those numbers were were tattooed on that guy’s arm legally, approved by the Bundestag, with oversight by the courts. Just like the wiretapping. You totally have a number; it’s just not tattooed on your arm, but it might as well be.

  2. Mike Mangan says:

    The next step is to make certain people wear little yellow Gadsen flags on their lapels so good citizens can recognize them at a distance. Speak of the devil, how about a poll on when our own version of the Reichstag Fire will take place.? You know they’ll try it.

    • Jason Calley says:

      “Speak of the devil, how about a poll on when our own version of the Reichstag Fire will take place.? You know they’ll try it.”

      Hmmmm…. I’m thinking maybe in September, not too long after Clinton leaves office.

  3. kuhnkat says:

    Gonna have to give up your I-Life!!!

  4. Blade says:

    Government Tracking Works!

    Not to mention government transportation like cattle cars. And government health care like Zyklon-B delousing showers.

    We’re from the government, we’re here to help.

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