Pope Barack : I Don’t Have Time For A Meeting Of The Round Universe Society

Non-believers in the geocentric universe threaten the order of our civilization.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Pope Barack : I Don’t Have Time For A Meeting Of The Round Universe Society

  1. Brian G Valentine says:


    The sound of what he did to his “legacy”

  2. gator69 says:

    Just time for little white balls, big green lies, and Martha’s Vineyard.

  3. tckev says:

    “Eppur si muove – still it moves…”

    Galileo Galilei

  4. “Non-believers in the geocentric universe threaten the order of our civilization.”

    It is so sad that there have been “Christians” who have thought this way, and that there are many today who continue to think along such lines by placing their faith in the “Pope Baracks” of the world. There are always spiritual traps being laid for humanity, and this idea of overriding faith being placed in a man’s inherently fallible power of reason is one of those traps.


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