Quit? Or Cheat?

The Northwest Passage rowers are facing 100% concentration ice, which is being further aggravated by a strong drift of multi-year ice from the pole. The ice is moving south at a rate of over 1000 feet per hour. Their boat will almost certainly get crushed if they try to row through it.

ScreenHunter_453 Jun. 29 10.05

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Quit? Or Cheat?

  1. lance says:

    I do believe during the height of summer, there will be a 10 foot wide lead open from the shore….they will use that, and the LSM will drink it up, then in a few small places, a large opening will open up and they will paddle way off shore and show ‘vast’ amounts of open water…and the LSM will drink it up…and they will see a polar bear with cubs…stranded on a ice flow (not)…and the LSM will drink it up…

    • rw says:

      Maybe they can also scout out beachfront property. The way things are going, I’d say now’s the time to get into the market.

  2. gator69 says:

    Sure glad we ran out of starving children to save.

  3. Les Johnson says:

    They are behind schedule already. They are in Prince George, and its 2800 km of hard road from there. It will be at least 3 days, probably 4, to get there with one driving crew, and doing 16 hour days. Thats assuming no problems.

    Earliest they can put the boat in the water is July 2 or 3, and not the July 1 start their web site states.

    • You are right about the fact they are unlikely starting the row until the July 3, then it will take them a couple days to row from Inuvik to the mouth of the McKenzie River. By the fifth of July, all that thin badly fractured first year ice along the coast will be much less concentrated.

      • chris y says:

        Fortunately, our ragtag band of intrepid souls has several backup plans if the sea ice prevents smooth rowing.

        Backup plan A is to deploy the solar PV powered inflatable icebreaker. We have been repeatedly told that solar insolation above the Arctic circle at this time of year is fabulously strong, so there should be copious horsepower to spare.
        Backup plan B is to portage the whole distance along the shore.
        Backup plan C is to deploy the rowboat’s outboard ice blades and skate-sail the route.
        Backup plan D is to deploy the Polar Bear harnesses to pull the boat over the ice.
        Backup plan E is to head back to Vancouver, smoke BC choom with Suzuki at Kits beach, and CGI the whole trip.

        They will not be denied their rightful place in history!

      • Fred from Canuckistan says:

        The Prophetbhas spoken . . .

        “By the fifth of July, all that thin badly fractured first year ice along the coast will be much less concentrated”

        Of course you know this is all factual, that it is thin, badly fractured first year ice, that you are not just pulling this outta yer ass like some Al Gore prophecy.

        And we will check on July fifth.

        • terrence says:

          The Blessed, Sacred, Politically Correct, Holiest of the Holy, Prophet, Reggie-Pooh hath SPOKEN. All PRAISE REGGIE-POOH, REGGIE-POOH!!! HOLY REGGIE-POOH. Holiest of the Holy Reggie-Pooh.

          All MUST attend the Holy Church of AGW. May the ice always MELT. Amen.

      • BC says:

        Would that be the same “badly fractured ice” that the Eskimeaux’s have been using to navigate their kayaks through for the last 1,000+ years?

        BTW, your answer of “Milankovitch cycle” places you squarely in the “Denier” category, whether you know it or not. 😉

        Since the Milankovitch cycle theory postulates that the Earth goes through a roughly 26,000-year cycle of orbital/axial wobbling and, since the last Ice Age ended roughly 12,000 years ago, we have been going through the final phases of the “warming cycle”, quite naturally, no matter what the Church of the Wholly Mann-Made Glow Bull Worming acolytes screech about being the cause. Now, being a carbon-based life form who relies on agriculture to produce carbon in ingestible forms, I’m quite in favor of this “warming”, since the alternative is dying from either A) starvation through crop loss (It’s awfully hard to grow crops under ice and/or snow.) or B) freezing my ass off under a sheet of said ice and/or snow.

        Now, how would you and your fellow Lysenkoist Luddite travelers suggest we provide food for an ever-expanding population when we hit the coming downslope of the Milankovitch cycle? Inquiring minds would like to know.

        • BC
          You are simply clueless and it is a waste of keystrokes replying to that mind numbing gibberish


        • jeffk says:

          “Overpopulation” is another alarmist tool used by global aspiring control freaks, like “climate change.”
          And like climate change mitigators, population control measures have backfired. [birth control fosters industrial development => more pollution and CO2, see China; global feminism => more rush hour traffic; birth control => de-evolution and more welfare burden, lower wages, more income disparity, shrinking middle class (regressive not progressive].

  4. Markus says:

    It was obvious the start will without any given reason get delayed. We might heard some retarded excuses for further delays the upcoming days, wait and see…

    • Fred from Canuckistan says:

      There should be some kind of IQ test for people who want to go all Greenie adventuring like these boys. They should also have to sign a SAR bond that guarantees they will pay for the costs of any search & rescue operation needed to save their sorry asses from their own Gaia beliefs and ignorance of science.

  5. BC says:

    Reggie, you got your ass handed to you on a silver platter, so you reverted to the old Leftist standard tactic of ad hominem attack, which you so vehemently reviled just a few short threads ago. Game. Set. Match. Now, toss off like a good little wanker.

    • Not true, you posted gibberish and were called out on it
      What you wrote was not worth the effort of a reply
      Go nip at the heels of someone else and let the adults talk about science.

      • There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

        That is a really worthwhile and self serving statement Reggie, especially when you have nothing to say, or zip facts, to use while saying it.

  6. Billy Liar says:

    I think Reggie is their PR man. You can tell by his slick charm.

  7. Les Johnson says:

    reggie, I would love to talk science with you. In fact, I am willing to bet on it. By July 5, our intrepid explorers will be unable to get into the Beaufort Sea any more than 1km.

    1000 bucks, to Medcine San Frontieres, from the loser.

  8. Cheat. With a willing media.

  9. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    How’s about we start an office pool thingy say at $10 a square?

  10. Richard Lynch says:

    According to the last first map, they are only in Whitehorse today, July 1.

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