Shock News : A Governor With A Brain And A Conscience

Maine Gov. Paul LePage (R) vetoed legislation on Monday which would have authorized a long-term study to prepare the state’s communities and businesses for the effects of climate change.

As mayor of Waterville, Maine in 2010, LePage said in a radio interview, “I don’t know if global warming is a myth or not, but I will say this: I do not believe in the Al Gore science.” The Maine Public Broadcasting Network reported the gubernatorial candidate also said, “We just need to fight back” against “the scams.”

Maine Climate Change Study Vetoed By Gov. Paul LePage

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Shock News : A Governor With A Brain And A Conscience

  1. DarrylB says:

    Great– at least some individual thought.
    However, looking at historical records of the more extreme of weather events should be a part of planned development.

    The paradoxical statement. ‘climate change on steroids as exemplified by a level 1 hurricane’ begs for the need of analyzing a situation further. My understanding is that most of the tall buildings in New York City have glass which could not withstand a level three wind speed is an example of no foresight in planning. In many ways the structure of New York City is a tragedy waiting to happen, Mayor Bloombergs comments regarding a super storm are simply reactionary.
    The fact is weather happens, we do not know just how and when but it will happen.

    If anything good happens from all this foolishness is those in positions of authority will make better decisions on preparedness.

    It appears Maine Gov LePage may have the wisdom to look at long term historical events as means of analyzing future possibilities as opposed to modeled projections.
    — and yes, I do realize that models use historical weather events as input, but they make the mistake, IMO, of too many assumptions of weather and climate changes.
    Right now the largest observation should be that observed warming has fallen outside of the 95% probability of projections. In other words the hypothesis of each and every model is wrong.
    Except it. It is an incredulous belief that heat energy is being stored for a long time deep in the ocean. That really defies the laws of physics as we know it.

  2. Jorge says:

    These “studies” are just ways to pay off the “science” crowd. They usually pipe down if money is thrown at them.

  3. Jorge says:

    They’re like America’s version of the Pretorian Guard.

  4. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    The so called climate scientist ARE Ike’s Military Industrial Complex on steroids. Everyone reading this should read all of Eisenhower’s final speech as President of the United States.

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