This Woman Can Save The Planet

ScreenHunter_451 Jun. 29 08.22

(CNN) — An Indian airline has hit on possibly the worthiest excuse yet for hiring slim women as cabin crew — it saves fuel and therefore money.

Airline recruits women to save fuel –

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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20 Responses to This Woman Can Save The Planet

  1. Andy DC says:

    That means that Al Gore is destroying the planet by hauling his huge fat ass all around the world in his private jet.

  2. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Bikinis would weigh less than miniskirts. . . Just sayin’

  3. gator69 says:

    She can save me anytime she pleases!

    If this is what global warming brings, then I may have convert to Alarmanism. 😉

  4. R K says:

    You can also fill those things with helium.

  5. terrence says:

    People who use airplanes should be charged the TOTAL weight of ALL their luggage – checked and carry on – as well as BODY WEIGHT. Samosa Airlines does this now, and they all should. As it is now – thin and average weight subsidize fat and obese people.

  6. Eric Simpson says:

    Great! This is one reduction in our carbon footprint that I’m in favor of.

  7. Eric Simpson says:

    And speaking of hot…
    Yesterday it hit 125°f Death Valley.
    That is hot, but it is still a far cry from the 134 world record set also in Death Valley in 1913. Even 129 would be far off the record, but 129 was forecast by some and it didn’t happen. The 134°F record was set in 1913, and now after a 100 years of “data” showing runaway hockey stick warming we should be seeing that 134 record passed virtually every hot summer day.
    But no.
    Here we are in a “historic” heat wave that Drudge has been spending days headlining like it’s the apocalypse, and we’re still 9 degrees short of the record! This doesn’t add up as far the hockey stick warming theory. The 1913 record still stands, like the American flag still stood after the battle of New Orleans or whatever.
    And another thing. What about that gd sea level! If things had been getting more boiling for a hundred years and the glacial and polar ice had been melting like an ice cube on a sizzling Mexican hot plate the sea would have risen substantially, and the Malibu celebrity mansions would been long submerged. But the beach front estates look out upon a beach that’s just exactly as it was 40 years ago. Insane is the rubbish that the fear mongering Chicken Littles keep spewing out.

  8. kbray in california says:

    I have some “carbon emissions” that need capture and sequestering.

    How much do you think she would charge to “save” me ?

    Would she accept “carbon credits” as payment ?

    I’m so glad there is this new carbon market and all is legal now.

    Thank you big Al for your inspiration.

  9. Traitor In Chief says:

    A Vietnamese airline found a way to save weight on the entertainment system.


  10. Scott says:

    Nice of them to try this excuse, but they’d do better to focus on using short women. A 5′ woman of BMI=30 weighs 9 lb less than a 6′ woman of BMI=22. And if the 5′ woman was BMI=25, that’d be a 34-lb savings.


  11. MoscowEast says:

    A woman can do little to change her height but a lot to change her weight.

  12. There Is No Substitute for Victory says:

    In an effort to make the 1913 Death Valley heat wave more believable, check out the 1913 record high temperatures for the whole continent. Start with Raleigh, North Carolina and go West Steven go West. ; ) It is clear that Drudge’s record high heat wave is not the worst record high wave, 1913 was much worst and it was from coast to coast. Then by the end of July the daily high temps in Raleigh, North Carolina fell to a chilly (I think) 58 degrees. WTFUWT?

  13. leftinbrooklyn says:

    The next employment boom in the airline industry: midget stewardesses.

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