Life at Wartime Los Alamos
Here are a few of my outstanding memories:
On a hike, seeing a tree blown to kindling wood by lightning. Lightning at Los Alamos? Tell me about it! This was poignant, because just the day before the talk we experienced the fiercest lightning storm any of us had ever seen. Drenching rain and frequent lightning and hail. They said later there was 1.9 inches of rain, in less than an hour.
First-Hand:Adventures at Wartime Los Alamos – GHN: IEEE Global History Network
I doubt I have enough fingers and toes to count all the times I nearly got fried by lightning on the golf course in my youth. Waiting for the hail to melt was a standard part of the July/August golfing experience.
Statistically Steve, is it possible that most people struck by lightning were playing golf at the time? I dunno, but better be safe than sorry and play chess instead 😉