1970 Wimbledon Final

I attended the 1970 Wimbledon final with my father, between Ken Rosewall and John Newcombe. At the time it was the longest match in Wimbledon history. The weather was hot and the grass was completely brown that summer.

Today’s match is looking like it will be a classic too.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1970 Wimbledon Final

  1. gator69 says:

    I wonder if the Greenland Country Club is having a Wimbledon celebration? I haven’t seen the courts there getting much use of late. I’m guessing there is still lots of flood damage from the meltdown.

  2. I bunked off work (headace i think) to see the semi Rosewall v Roger Taylor.

  3. Jimmy Haigh says:

    Well done Andy Murray. Brilliant performance.

  4. squid2112 says:

    Today’s match is looking like it will be a classic too.

    Especially if there becomes a confrontation between the ball boy and the line judge, with one being stabbed and the other losing their head. And who ever said football and hockey were rough?

  5. slimething says:

    I heard tickets were $7500.

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