1974 : International Scientific Cooperation Might Slow The Imminent Ice Age

ScreenHunter_56 Jul. 13 07.06

22 Nov 1974 – SCIENCE DOCUMENTARY New ice age ‘could be in our…

h/t to Ivan

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to 1974 : International Scientific Cooperation Might Slow The Imminent Ice Age

  1. Bill says:

    It worked! They just over-done it and now we have to make it go the other way. Actually looks like that worked too. We must be really good at changing the temp. of the planet any direction we want it to go.

  2. Douglas Hoyt says:

    There was also “The Ice Age Cometh” in the Saturday Review in 1973. It can found on the web at http://www.unz.org/Pub/SaturdayRev-1973mar24-00029

  3. omanuel says:

    That international cooperation actually started on 24 Oct 1945 and destroyed the integrity of science and constitutional government.

    Later today or tomorrow I hope to complete and submit to the Space Science & Technology Committee of the US House of Representatives a manuscript that will be posted in my dropbox and made available for any organization to republish.

    These are the conclusions:

    1. FEAR of nuclear annihilation, and
    2. REMORSE for using nuclear energy to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians in early Aug 1945

    Convinced world leaders and leaders of the scientific community to:

    3. SACRIFICE the liberty of individuals
    4. FORM the United Nations on 24 October 1945
    5. COMPROMISE the integrity of government science
    6. ELIMINATE national boundaries and national constitutions

    With deep regrets,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo
    [email protected]; 1-573-647-1377

  4. Rosco says:

    It is possible – the slight warming of the end of the 20th century could just as easily slide back into even more serious cooling.

    Look what happened after the extremes of the 30’s.

    If the sun’s output were to continue to decline it is possible. Se Queensland has been completely different over the last 4 years – cooler and prolonged cloudy persiods with increasing rainfall.

    We used to be called the Sunshine State.

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