2009 Video : Democrats Dismiss Republican Fears About Obamacare

In 2008, Obama said we had a health care emergency which can’t wait …… apparently until after the 2014 elections.



Now Democrats are afraid to face their constituents.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 2009 Video : Democrats Dismiss Republican Fears About Obamacare

  1. miked1947 says:

    Over at NTZ I found a wonderful new game
    The testimonials are outstanding:

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    – Gavin S., New York

    “I have to admit I’m addicted to the game, and play it every time I see Obama make a speech.”
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    – Marc M., Washington D.C.

    “It was fun at first. But with so many people shouting ‘Bingo!’, it’s kinda become a distraction at UN conferences.”
    – Anthony W., California

  2. Gamecock says:

    “President Obama’s decision to delay a key part of his health care law”

    I’m surprised the law allows him to delay. Who is he, Barrack Millhouse Obama?

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