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Daily Archives: July 22, 2013
Is America A Victim Of Racial Profiling?
90% of blacks and 95% of white liberals openly stated that they voted for Obama in 2008 because he was black. The US is clearly a victim of massive and illegal racial profiling. According to the law, voters were required … Continue reading
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Shock News : Met Office Contradicts The Messiah
Last month Obama said that global warming was accelerating at unforeseen rates, and that he didn’t have time to debate it with the flat earth society. He probably should have talked to some actual scientists first, before making a complete … Continue reading
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Stand Your Ground Against Unborn Children
Lefties only support stand your ground when the person being killed is completely innocent and defenseless. BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — A federal judge on Monday temporarily blocked a new North Dakota law that bans abortion when a fetal heartbeat is … Continue reading
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Obama Met With IRS To Discuss The Easter Egg Roll Strategy
The Obama appointee implicated in congressional testimony in the IRS targeting scandal met with President Obama in the White House two days before offering his colleagues a new set of advice on how to scrutinize tea party and conservative groups … Continue reading
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White House Huddle Time
Now that Zimmerman is a hero, last week’s strategy of trying to get someone to kill Zimmerman is not looking so good for Obama, Perhaps Obama should invite him to the White House, like he did with the Cambridge policeman … Continue reading
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Just Say No!
To any more Bush’s or Clinton’s holding office in Washington. After eight years of Obama, the thought of another Bush or Clinton is almost unbearable.
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The Holy Year Of 2012
Four of the last five years have had below normal January-July US temperatures (before data tampering) but we must only speak about the holy year of 2012.
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The Rowers Need To Get Out Of There
They could be facing a major storm surge with huge blocks of ice later in the week. There is some high ground, but no shelter from the wind and snow.
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The Empathy Of Barack Obama
Obama understands that Trayvon was black, and that through some bizarre twisted logic he imagines that he could have been the thug pounding Zimmerman’s head against the pavement 35 years ago. But somehow he can’t relate to the people he … Continue reading
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Obama, Jackson, Sharpton Spent The Weekend Trying To Lynch A Hero
While Obama, Holder, Sharpton and Jackson were trying to get Zimmerman killed by an angry mob over the weekend, Zimmerman was busy rescuing a family. George Zimmerman, who has not been seen publicly since his acquittal in the murder of … Continue reading
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