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Daily Archives: July 23, 2013
White House Continues To Lie About Benghazi
Today Asked why Clinton initially blamed an internet video for the attack — calling it a “response to inflammatory material posted on the internet” — when senior military officials knew the day of the attack it was terrorism, the State … Continue reading
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Global Warming Strikes Southern Brazil
Cold will further increase and southern Brazil should return to see snow It snowed in the last hours (dawn and morning) in dozens of cities here in southern Brazil. In Rio Grande do Sul, the snow was more expressive in … Continue reading
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Things Obama Wants You Worried About
Obama wants you worried about these things : George Zimmerman is going to come shoot you The NRA is going to come shoot you Affordable energy is going to kill you Snowden is telling people how to kill you Rising … Continue reading
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Obama Dual Tack : Disarm Americans And Arm Islamic Terrorists
Syrian rebels to start receiving US weapons amid anxiety from Congress | World news | guardian.co.uk Obama appears to be set on restoring Al Qaeda to the power they held when Clinton was president. Meanwhile Obama keeps the country focused … Continue reading
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Liz Cheney 2011 : “Obama is about to snatch defeat from victory in Iraq”
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=LHcbbwX_exc] Obama is about to snatch defeat from victory in Iraq… The only reason his failed foreign policy is not being covered is because his performance on the economy is so abysmal. And today : Iraq arm of Al Qaeda … Continue reading
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Hansen Says That Renewable Energy Isn’t Going To Get The Job Done
The hope that the wind and the sun and geothermal can provide all of our energy is a nice idea but I find it unlikely that that’s possible. Jim Hansen Presses the Climate Case for Nuclear Energy – NYTimes.com
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1936 Shock News : Earth Drying Up – Deserts Expanding
23 Sep 1936 – IS THE EARTH DRYING UP? World’s Deserts On The E…
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GISS : Forever Tampering Upwards And Onwards
Joe D’Aleo sent an E-mail this morning mentioning that GHCN has cooled the past again. Below is a plot of alterations to GISS temperatures since January, 2012. They are constantly rewriting history by warming the present and cooling the past. … Continue reading
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They Can’t Even Fight Against A Breeze, Much Less Climate Change
Always amazing to see the disconnect between lefties and reality. Leaving family to pursue this expedition I decided to undertake this expedition because by doing it myself and my teammates can make a strong statement in the battle against climate … Continue reading
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Arctic Hole Update
Arctic alarmists have been hysterical this summer about an imaginary hole in the ice near the North Pole which was going to swallow the climate and kill us all. Here is today’s view :
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