Daily Archives: July 29, 2013

Shocking Global Warming In 1790

Normally the Delaware River is frozen in Philadelphia in January, but in 1790 it was a better swimming hole than the one at the North Pole this week. A Meteorological Account of the Weather in Philadelphia: From January 1 … … Continue reading

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So What Do They Do Now?

They are stuck on a small island about 1/4 mile in diameter. The wind isn’t forecast to change anytime soon. The weather sucks, they haven’t had a shower and (hopefully) haven’t been laid in months. The worst thing is that … Continue reading

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Obama Global Warming Famine Arrives

Prices plunged to an almost four-year low last week amid projections that ideal weather in the U.S. Midwest could pave the way for a record soybean harvest, which would boost soyoil supplies and shift demand away from competing palm. VEGOILS-Palm drops on … Continue reading

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100% Consensus For Global Cooling

Using the finest statistical techniques of Cuckoo, Nuttercelli, et al, I have proven that there were no scientists in the 1970s who didn’t believe the earth would be destroyed by global cooling. I have looked through every 1970s Internet blog … Continue reading

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Heading Out To Sea On The Jouletanic

The wind is too much and the rowers have apparently quit trying to reach land. They are headed out to open sea with a strong tail wind, poor visibility, no anchor and possible ice.  Where will they end up?

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What They Have To Look Forward Too

On the 1000:1 chance that the rowers make it through the next 2,000 km, here is what awaits them at the other end.

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Are The Rowers In Trouble?

With a 20 MPH WSW wind, it is going to be very difficult to pull that boat back towards land. They don’t have an anchor, and may be in trouble.

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Almost Crushed By Rotten, Decayed Ice

David Barber says that the little remaining ice in the Arctic is rotten and decayed and will all melt soon. (He has been saying that for every year I can remember.) Some of this rotten, decayed ice almost crushed the … Continue reading

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Do You Believe?

Debating on alarmist discussion boards, it quickly becomes clear that facts are irrelevant. You either believe, or you are a heretic. All scientists say that unless we give up carbon, the world is doomed. Nothing else to be discussed. This … Continue reading

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They Told Us That All The Ice Had Melted

“Pulling together against climate change” Paul-in-ice-small.jpg (1000×668)

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